
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
size_t baseSize
size_t M


1 enum baseSize = 1 << _;
2 foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
3 {
4     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
5     size_t M;
7     auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)(currentSeed, 2UL, baseSize, M);
8     assert(vT.universe == M);  
9     const errorString = generateDebugString("UT: node test: ", b, baseSize, currentSeed, M);
11     assert(vT.value_ == 0, errorString);
12     assert(vT.ptr_ is null, errorString);
13     assert(vT.capacity == baseSize, errorString);
14     assert(vT.empty == true, errorString);
15     assert(vT.front == NIL, errorString);
16     assert(vT.back == NIL, errorString);
17     assert(vT[].front == 0, errorString);
18     assert(vT[].back == vT.universe, errorString);
19     assert(vT().front == NIL, errorString);
20     assert(vT().back == NIL, errorString);
21     assert(vT.length == 0, errorString);
22     assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
24     size_t N = uniform(0UL, 2 * M); // independent parameter for testing
25     // make an array of length N
26     size_t[] testArray, cacheArray;
27     testArray = new size_t[N];
28     cacheArray.reserve(N);
29     // fill the array with all possible values 
30     foreach (ref el; testArray)
31     {
32         el = (2 * M).iota.choice;
33     }
35     foreach (testNumber; testArray)
36     {
37         assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
38         const insertResult = vT.insert(testNumber);
40         if (insertResult)
41         {
42             assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
43             cacheArray ~= testNumber;
44         }
45     }
47     import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
49     cacheArray.sort;
51     if (cacheArray.empty)
52     {
53         assert(vT.empty, errorString);
54     }
55     else
56     {
57         assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
58     }
60     foreach (el; cacheArray)
61     {
62         assert(bt(&vT.value_, el), errorString);
63     }
64     import std.algorithm.iteration : uniq;
65     import std.algorithm.searching : count;
67     assert(vT.length == cacheArray.uniq.count, errorString);
68     assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
69     if (cacheArray.length)
70     {
71         assert(vT.front == cacheArray.front, errorString);
72         assert(vT.back == cacheArray.back, errorString);
73     }
74     else
75     {
76         assert(vT.front == NIL, errorString);
77         assert(vT.back == NIL, errorString);
78     }
80     auto currElement = vT.front;
81     foreach (el; cacheArray.uniq)
82     {
83         assert(currElement == el, errorString);
84         currElement =;
85     }
86     currElement = vT.back;
87     foreach (el; cacheArray.uniq.array.retro)
88     {
89         assert(currElement == el, errorString);
90         currElement = vT.prev(currElement);
91     }
93     foreach (key; 0 .. vT.universe)
94     {
95         import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
97         if (cacheArray.uniq.array.canFind(key))
98         {
99             assert(key in vT, errorString);
100         }
101         else
102         {
103             assert(!(key in vT), errorString);
104         }
105     }
106     auto deepCopy = vT.dup;
108     assert(deepCopy.value_ == vT.value_, errorString);
109     assert(vT == cacheArray.uniq, errorString);
110     assert(vT.prev(vT.front) == NIL, errorString);
111     assert( == NIL, errorString);
112     assert(vT == deepCopy, errorString);
113     assert(vT == deepCopy(), errorString);
115     if (cacheArray.length)
116     {
117         auto val = cacheArray.uniq.array.randomCover.front;
118         vT.remove(val);
119         assert((deepCopy.value_ ^ vT.value_) == (size_t(1) << val), errorString);
120         import std.algorithm.iteration : each;
121         import std.algorithm.searching : count, find;
122         import std.algorithm.mutation : remove;
124         cacheArray.count(val).iota.each!(i => cacheArray = cacheArray.remove(
125                 cacheArray.length - cacheArray.find(val).length));
126     }
127     else
128     {
129         assert((deepCopy.value_ ^ vT.value_) == 0, errorString);
130     }
132     foreach (key; 0 .. vT.capacity)
133     {
134         import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
136         if (cacheArray.uniq.array.canFind(key))
137         {
138             assert(vT.remove(key), errorString);
139         }
140         else
141         {
142             assert(!(vT.remove(key)), errorString);
143         }
144     }
145     assert(vT.value_ == 0, errorString);
146     assert(vT.empty, errorString);
147 }
import std.range : iota; 
foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
    auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
    size_t M;
    auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)
            (currentSeed, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, M);
    const errorString = 
        generateDebugString("UT: tree test of capacity and universe: ", b, 1 << _, currentSeed, M); 

    assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
    assert(vT.capacity == (vT.universe - 1).nextPow2,
            to!string("vT.capacity: " ~ to!string(
                vT.capacity) ~ " vT.universe: " ~ to!string(vT.universe)));
    assert(!(vT.ptr_ is null), errorString);
    assert(vT.capacity == (vT.universe - 1).nextPow2, errorString);
1 import std.range : iota; 
2 foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
3 {
4     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
5     size_t M;
6     auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)
7         (currentSeed, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, M);
8     const errorString = 
9         generateDebugString("UT: tree test, general case: ", b, 1 << _, currentSeed, M); 
10     size_t N = uniform(0UL, 2 * M); // independent parameter for testing
12     // make an array of length N
13     size_t[] testArray, cacheArray;
14     testArray = new size_t[N];
15     cacheArray.reserve(N);
16     // fill the array with all possible values 
17     foreach (ref el; testArray)
18         el = (2 * M).iota.choice;
20     auto rbt = redBlackTree!size_t();
22     foreach (val; testArray)
23     {
24         assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
25         assert(vT.length == rbt.length, errorString);
27         bool insertExpectation;
28         if (val < vT.capacity && !(val in vT))
29         {
30             insertExpectation = true;
31         }
32         const insertResult = vT.insert(val);
34         assert(insertResult == insertExpectation, errorString);
36         if (insertResult)
37         {
39             assert(val in vT, errorString);
40             assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
41             rbt.insert(val);
42             assert(vT.front == rbt.front, errorString);
43             assert(vT.back == rbt.back,
44                     "val:" ~ to!string(val) ~ " vT.back: " ~ to!string(
45                         vT.back) ~ " rbt.back: " ~ to!string(rbt.back));
47             cacheArray ~= val;
48         }
49         else
50         {
51             if (!(val in rbt))
52             {
53                 assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
54             }
55             else
56             {
57                 assert(val in vT, errorString);
58             }
59         }
60     }
62     import std.algorithm.sorting : sort; 
63     cacheArray.sort;
65     foreach (i, el; cacheArray)
66     {
67         assert(el in vT, errorString);
68         if (i + 1 != cacheArray.length)
69         {
70             assert( == cacheArray[i + 1],errorString);
71         }
72         else
73         {
74             assert( == NIL, errorString);
75         }
76     }
78     foreach (i, el; vT)
79         assert(el == cacheArray[i], errorString);
81     assert(vT == cacheArray, errorString); 
83     auto vT2 = vT.dup; 
84     assert(vT == vT2); 
86     if(cacheArray.length)
87     {
88         auto rndNum = cacheArray.choice; 
89         vT2.remove(rndNum); 
90         assert(!(rndNum in vT2));
91         assert(rndNum in vT);
92         assert(vT != vT2); 
93         rndNum = uniform(0UL, vT2.capacity);
94         if(!(rndNum in vT))
95         {
96             assert(!(rndNum in vT), errorString ~ format!"rndNum: %d"(rndNum));
97             assert(vT2.insert(rndNum), errorString);
98         }
99         assert(vT != vT2); 
100         //auto vT3 = vT2; 
101         //vT3.insert(rndNum); 
102         //assert(rndNum in vT3);
103         //assert(rndNum in vT2); 
104         //assert(vT2.length == vT3.length); 
105     }
107     const rangeExclusive = vT(); 
108     assert(vT == rangeExclusive); 
110     auto rangeInclusive = vT[]; 
111     import std.range : enumerate; 
112     foreach(i, el; rangeInclusive.enumerate)
113     {
114         if(i == 0)
115         {
116             if(!(0 in vT))
117             {
118                 continue;
119             }
120         }
121         else if(i + 1 != rangeInclusive.length)
122         {
123             assert(el in vT, errorString ~ format!" el: %d"(el)); 
124         }
125         else if(i + 1 == rangeInclusive.length)
126         {
127             assert(el == vT.universe || el == vT.capacity);
128             if(el == vT.universe)
129             {
130                 assert(vT.back <= vT.universe || vT.back == NIL, errorString ~ format!" length: %d"(vT.length)); 
131             }
132             else
133             {
134                 assert(vT.back > vT.universe, errorString); 
135                 assert(vT.back < vT.capacity, errorString); 
136             }
137         }
138         else
139         {
140             assert(0); 
141         }
142     }
144     import std.range : retro, enumerate; 
145     foreach (i, el; cacheArray.retro.enumerate)
146     {
147         assert(el in vT, errorString);
148         if (i + 1 != cacheArray.length)
149         {
150             assert(vT.prev(el) == cacheArray[($ - 1) - (i + 1)], errorString);
151         }
152         else
153         {
154             assert(vT.prev(el) == NIL, errorString);
155         }
156     }
158     foreach (val; testArray)
159     {
160         assert(vT.length == rbt.length, errorString);
161         if (val in rbt)
162         {
163             assert(val in vT, errorString);
164             rbt.removeKey(val);
165             assert(vT.remove(val), errorString);
166         }
167         else
168         {
169             assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
170             assert(!vT.remove(val), errorString);
171         }
172         assert(!(val in rbt), errorString);
173         assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
174     }
175     assert(vT.length == 0, errorString);
176     assert(rbt.length == 0, errorString);
177 }
