1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016- Alexander Orlov. All rights reserved.
3 License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License).
4 Authors: Alexander Orlov, $(LINK2 mailto:sascha.orlov@gmail.com, sascha.orlov@gmail.com) 
5 */
7 /**
8 This module implements a Van Emde Boas tree container.
9 All corrections, bug findings pull requests and comments are welcome. 
10 The main idea of the container is, to restrict the capacity of the tree by the next power of two universe size,
11 given an arbitrary size at the initialization. 
12 */
14 /**
15 The main advantage of the Van Emde Boas tree appears on a large amount of elements, as the provided standard
16 operations of the tree are constant in time and of order O(lg2(lg2(U))), where U is the capacity of the tree, constant 
17 after creation. For small amount of elements the overhead coming along with the structure take over. However, if the 
18 universe size becomes bigger, the tree performance becomes better.
19 */
21 /**
22 Be aware, the current container is intended to be used with keys. This implies, that the capacity, fixed on its
23 initialization has two meanings. As usual, it shows the maximum amount of elements the instanciated tree can keep.
24 But also, it states, that no value bigger then capacity - 1 exists in the tree. This, and the fact, that only
25 non-negative values can be used are infered from the term "key".
26 */
28 /**
29 See_also: Thomas H. Cormen, Clifford Stein, Ronald L. Rivest, and Charles E. Leiserson. 2001. <em>Introduction to
30 Algorithms</em> (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
31 the idea of using bit operations was reused from the C++ implementation found at 
32 http://www.keithschwarz.com/interesting/code/van-emde-boas-tree/
33 */
35 module vebtree;
36 import core.bitop;
37 import std.traits : ReturnType, isIterable, arity;
38 import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
39 import std.math : nextPow2;
40 import core.stdc.limits : CHAR_BIT;
42 debug import std.format : format;
44 version (unittest)
45 {
46     import std.parallelism : parallel;
47     import std.conv : to;
48     import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
49     import std.container.rbtree : redBlackTree;
51     import std.range;
52     import std.random;
53     import std.format;
54     import std.container; // red black tree may be used in unittests for comparison.
55     import std.math : sqrt;
57     // helping function for output a given value in binary representation
58     void bin(size_t n)
59     {
60         /* step 1 */
61         if (n > 1)
62             bin(n / 2);
63         /* step 2 */
65         printf("%d", n % 2);
66     }
68     /// precalculated powers of two table for unit testing
69     import std.range : iota;
70     import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
72     enum powersOfTwo = (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof).iota.map!(a => size_t(1) << a);
73     enum testMultiplier = 1; //16
75     auto generateVEBtree(size_t baseSize)(uint currentSeed, size_t front, size_t back, ref size_t M)
76     {
77         static assert(baseSize > 1);
78         static assert((baseSize & (baseSize - 1)) == 0);
79         assert(front >= 2);
80         rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
81         M = uniform(front, back + 1); // parameter for construction
82         return vebRoot!baseSize(M);
83     }
84     string generateDebugString(string identifier1, size_t identifier2, size_t baseSize, uint currentSeed, size_t M)
85     {
86         return format!"%s: %d baseSize: %d; seed: %d M: %d"(identifier1, identifier2, baseSize, currentSeed, M);
87     }
88 }
90 static foreach (_; 1 .. size_t.sizeof - 1)
91 {
92     ///
93     unittest
94     {
95         enum baseSize = 1 << _;
96         foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
97         {
98             auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
99             size_t M;
101             auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)(currentSeed, 2UL, baseSize, M);
102             assert(vT.universe == M);  
103             const errorString = generateDebugString("UT: node test: ", b, baseSize, currentSeed, M);
105             assert(vT.value_ == 0, errorString);
106             assert(vT.ptr_ is null, errorString);
107             assert(vT.capacity == baseSize, errorString);
108             assert(vT.empty == true, errorString);
109             assert(vT.front == NIL, errorString);
110             assert(vT.back == NIL, errorString);
111             assert(vT[].front == 0, errorString);
112             assert(vT[].back == vT.universe, errorString);
113             assert(vT().front == NIL, errorString);
114             assert(vT().back == NIL, errorString);
115             assert(vT.length == 0, errorString);
116             assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
118             size_t N = uniform(0UL, 2 * M); // independent parameter for testing
119             // make an array of length N
120             size_t[] testArray, cacheArray;
121             testArray = new size_t[N];
122             cacheArray.reserve(N);
123             // fill the array with all possible values 
124             foreach (ref el; testArray)
125             {
126                 el = (2 * M).iota.choice;
127             }
129             foreach (testNumber; testArray)
130             {
131                 assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
132                 const insertResult = vT.insert(testNumber);
134                 if (insertResult)
135                 {
136                     assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
137                     cacheArray ~= testNumber;
138                 }
139             }
141             import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
143             cacheArray.sort;
145             if (cacheArray.empty)
146             {
147                 assert(vT.empty, errorString);
148             }
149             else
150             {
151                 assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
152             }
154             foreach (el; cacheArray)
155             {
156                 assert(bt(&vT.value_, el), errorString);
157             }
158             import std.algorithm.iteration : uniq;
159             import std.algorithm.searching : count;
161             assert(vT.length == cacheArray.uniq.count, errorString);
162             assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
163             if (cacheArray.length)
164             {
165                 assert(vT.front == cacheArray.front, errorString);
166                 assert(vT.back == cacheArray.back, errorString);
167             }
168             else
169             {
170                 assert(vT.front == NIL, errorString);
171                 assert(vT.back == NIL, errorString);
172             }
174             auto currElement = vT.front;
175             foreach (el; cacheArray.uniq)
176             {
177                 assert(currElement == el, errorString);
178                 currElement = vT.next(currElement);
179             }
180             currElement = vT.back;
181             foreach (el; cacheArray.uniq.array.retro)
182             {
183                 assert(currElement == el, errorString);
184                 currElement = vT.prev(currElement);
185             }
187             foreach (key; 0 .. vT.universe)
188             {
189                 import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
191                 if (cacheArray.uniq.array.canFind(key))
192                 {
193                     assert(key in vT, errorString);
194                 }
195                 else
196                 {
197                     assert(!(key in vT), errorString);
198                 }
199             }
200             auto deepCopy = vT.dup;
202             assert(deepCopy.value_ == vT.value_, errorString);
203             assert(vT == cacheArray.uniq, errorString);
204             assert(vT.prev(vT.front) == NIL, errorString);
205             assert(vT.next(vT.back) == NIL, errorString);
206             assert(vT == deepCopy, errorString);
207             assert(vT == deepCopy(), errorString);
209             if (cacheArray.length)
210             {
211                 auto val = cacheArray.uniq.array.randomCover.front;
212                 vT.remove(val);
213                 assert((deepCopy.value_ ^ vT.value_) == (size_t(1) << val), errorString);
214                 import std.algorithm.iteration : each;
215                 import std.algorithm.searching : count, find;
216                 import std.algorithm.mutation : remove;
218                 cacheArray.count(val).iota.each!(i => cacheArray = cacheArray.remove(
219                         cacheArray.length - cacheArray.find(val).length));
220             }
221             else
222             {
223                 assert((deepCopy.value_ ^ vT.value_) == 0, errorString);
224             }
226             foreach (key; 0 .. vT.capacity)
227             {
228                 import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
230                 if (cacheArray.uniq.array.canFind(key))
231                 {
232                     assert(vT.remove(key), errorString);
233                 }
234                 else
235                 {
236                     assert(!(vT.remove(key)), errorString);
237                 }
238             }
239             assert(vT.value_ == 0, errorString);
240             assert(vT.empty, errorString);
241         }
242     }
243 }
245 static foreach (_; 1 .. size_t.sizeof - 1)
246 {
247     ///
248     unittest
249     {
250         import std.range : iota; 
251         foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
252         {
253             auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
254             size_t M;
255             auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)
256                     (currentSeed, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, M);
257             const errorString = 
258                 generateDebugString("UT: tree test of capacity and universe: ", b, 1 << _, currentSeed, M); 
260             assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
261             assert(vT.capacity == (vT.universe - 1).nextPow2,
262                     to!string("vT.capacity: " ~ to!string(
263                         vT.capacity) ~ " vT.universe: " ~ to!string(vT.universe)));
264             assert(!(vT.ptr_ is null), errorString);
265             assert(vT.capacity == (vT.universe - 1).nextPow2, errorString);
266         }
267     }
268 }
270 static foreach (_; 1 .. size_t.sizeof - 1)
271 {
272     ///
273     unittest
274     {
275         import std.range : iota; 
276         foreach (b; (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * testMultiplier).iota.parallel)
277         {
278             auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
279             size_t M;
280             auto vT = generateVEBtree!(1 << _)
281                 (currentSeed, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof * CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof, M);
282             const errorString = 
283                 generateDebugString("UT: tree test, general case: ", b, 1 << _, currentSeed, M); 
284             size_t N = uniform(0UL, 2 * M); // independent parameter for testing
286             // make an array of length N
287             size_t[] testArray, cacheArray;
288             testArray = new size_t[N];
289             cacheArray.reserve(N);
290             // fill the array with all possible values 
291             foreach (ref el; testArray)
292                 el = (2 * M).iota.choice;
294             auto rbt = redBlackTree!size_t();
296             foreach (val; testArray)
297             {
298                 assert(vT.universe == M, errorString);
299                 assert(vT.length == rbt.length, errorString);
301                 bool insertExpectation;
302                 if (val < vT.capacity && !(val in vT))
303                 {
304                     insertExpectation = true;
305                 }
306                 const insertResult = vT.insert(val);
308                 assert(insertResult == insertExpectation, errorString);
310                 if (insertResult)
311                 {
313                     assert(val in vT, errorString);
314                     assert(!vT.empty, errorString);
315                     rbt.insert(val);
316                     assert(vT.front == rbt.front, errorString);
317                     assert(vT.back == rbt.back,
318                             "val:" ~ to!string(val) ~ " vT.back: " ~ to!string(
319                                 vT.back) ~ " rbt.back: " ~ to!string(rbt.back));
321                     cacheArray ~= val;
322                 }
323                 else
324                 {
325                     if (!(val in rbt))
326                     {
327                         assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
328                     }
329                     else
330                     {
331                         assert(val in vT, errorString);
332                     }
333                 }
334             }
336             import std.algorithm.sorting : sort; 
337             cacheArray.sort;
339             foreach (i, el; cacheArray)
340             {
341                 assert(el in vT, errorString);
342                 if (i + 1 != cacheArray.length)
343                 {
344                     assert(vT.next(el) == cacheArray[i + 1],errorString);
345                 }
346                 else
347                 {
348                     assert(vT.next(el) == NIL, errorString);
349                 }
350             }
352             foreach (i, el; vT)
353                 assert(el == cacheArray[i], errorString);
355             assert(vT == cacheArray, errorString); 
357             auto vT2 = vT.dup; 
358             assert(vT == vT2); 
360             if(cacheArray.length)
361             {
362                 auto rndNum = cacheArray.choice; 
363                 vT2.remove(rndNum); 
364                 assert(!(rndNum in vT2));
365                 assert(rndNum in vT);
366                 assert(vT != vT2); 
367                 rndNum = uniform(0UL, vT2.capacity);
368                 if(!(rndNum in vT))
369                 {
370                     assert(!(rndNum in vT), errorString ~ format!"rndNum: %d"(rndNum));
371                     assert(vT2.insert(rndNum), errorString);
372                 }
373                 assert(vT != vT2); 
374             }
376             const rangeExclusive = vT(); 
377             assert(vT == rangeExclusive); 
379             auto rangeInclusive = vT[]; 
380             import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
381             import std.algorithm.iteration : uniq; 
382             assert(equal(uniq(rangeInclusive), rangeInclusive));
383             import std.range : enumerate; 
384             foreach(i, el; rangeInclusive.enumerate)
385             {
386                 if(i == 0)
387                 {
388                     if(!(0 in vT))
389                     {
390                         continue;
391                     }
392                 }
393                 else if(i + 1 != rangeInclusive.length)
394                 {
395                     assert(el in vT, errorString ~ format!" el: %d"(el)); 
396                 }
397                 else if(i + 1 == rangeInclusive.length)
398                 {
399                     assert(el == vT.universe || el == vT.capacity);
400                     if(el == vT.universe)
401                     {
402                         assert(vT.back <= vT.universe || vT.back == NIL, errorString ~ format!" length: %d"(vT.length)); 
403                     }
404                     else
405                     {
406                         assert(vT.back > vT.universe, errorString); 
407                         assert(vT.back < vT.capacity, errorString); 
408                     }
409                 }
410                 else
411                 {
412                     assert(0); 
413                 }
414             }
416             import std.range : retro, enumerate; 
417             foreach (i, el; cacheArray.retro.enumerate)
418             {
419                 assert(el in vT, errorString);
420                 if (i + 1 != cacheArray.length)
421                 {
422                     assert(vT.prev(el) == cacheArray[($ - 1) - (i + 1)], errorString);
423                 }
424                 else
425                 {
426                     assert(vT.prev(el) == NIL, errorString);
427                 }
428             }
430             foreach (val; testArray)
431             {
432                 assert(vT.length == rbt.length, errorString);
433                 if (val in rbt)
434                 {
435                     assert(val in vT, errorString);
436                     rbt.removeKey(val);
437                     assert(vT.remove(val), errorString);
438                 }
439                 else
440                 {
441                     assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
442                     assert(!vT.remove(val), errorString);
443                 }
444                 assert(!(val in rbt), errorString);
445                 assert(!(val in vT), errorString);
446             }
447             assert(vT.length == 0, errorString);
448             assert(rbt.length == 0, errorString);
449         }
450     }
451 }
453 /**
454 define the absence of a key to be -1. 
455 */
456 enum NIL = ptrdiff_t(-1);
458 /**
459 The tree creator function. Optionally, the base size can be provided at compile time, however, the best results are 
460 achieved with the default base size of CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof
461 */
462 auto vebRoot(size_t baseSize = CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof)(size_t universe)
463 {
464     /**
465     Two parameters are provided: 
466     - the base size is the maximal amount bits can be stored in a single node without branching (generating children)
467     - the universe is the user provided input, providing the expected amount of keys, going to be stored in the tree
468     */
469     return VEBroot!baseSize(universe);
470 }
472 /**
473 A van Emde Boas node implementation
474 */
475 struct VEBroot(size_t baseSize) if((baseSize & (baseSize - 1)) == 0)
476 {
477     /**
478     yields a deep copy of the node. I. e. copies all data in children and allocates another tree 
479     */
480     typeof(this) dup()
481     {
482         auto retVal = typeof(this)(universe);
483         foreach (el; opCall())
484             retVal.insert(el);
485         return retVal;
486     }
488     /**
489     []-slicing. Yields a "random access range" with the content of the tree, always containing zero and the key after 
490     the maximum element as keys. The key after the maximal key is the universe, if the tree is empty or the maximal 
491     contained key is lesser then empty, otherwise the capacity of the tree. 
492     */
493     auto opIndex() @nogc
494     {
495         return vebTree!(Yes.inclusive)(this);
496     }
498     /**
499     ()-slicing. Yields a "random access range" with the content of the tree. Keys can be NIL. 
500     */
501     auto opCall() @nogc
502     {
503         return vebTree!(No.inclusive)(this);
504     }
506     /**
507     Equality operator checks for any iterable, whether in contains the same values, as the current tree. 
508     */
509     bool opEquals(T)(auto ref T input) const if (isIterable!T)
510     {
511         import std.range : hasLength; 
512         static if (hasLength!T)
513             if (length != input.length)
514                 return false;
516         size_t currentElem = this.front;
518         foreach (el; input)
519         {
520             if (el != currentElem)
521                 return false;
522             currentElem = this.next(currentElem);
523         }
525         return true;
526     }
528     /**
529     member method for the case universe size < base size. Overloads by passing only one parameter, which is
530     the bit number of interest. Returns whether the appropriate bit inside the bitvector is set.
531     */
532     bool opBinaryRight(string op)(size_t key) @nogc const if (op == "in")
533     {
534         if (key >= this.capacity)
535             return false;
537         if (this.empty) // if an empty intermediate node is found, nothing is stored below it. 
538             return false;
540         if (this.isLeaf)
541             return bt(&value_, key) != 0;
542         else
543         {
544             // case of a single valued range. 
545             if (key == this.front || key == this.back)
546                 return true;
548             /*
549                 else we have to descend, using the recursive indexing: 
550                 1. take the high(value, uS)-th child and 
551                 2. ask it about the reduced low(value, uS) value
552                 3. use the lSR(uS) universe size of the childe node. 
553             */
554             return low(key) in ptr_[high(key)];
555         }
556     }
558     /**
559     the opApply method grants the correct foreach behavior, nogc version
560     */
561     int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t) @nogc operations) const @nogc
562     {
563         return opApplyImpl(operations);
564     }
566     /**
567     ditto
568     */
569     int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref size_t) @nogc operations) const @nogc
570     {
571         return opApplyImpl(operations);
572     }
574     /**
575     ditto
576     */
577     int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t) operations) const 
578     {
579         return opApplyImpl(operations);
580     }
582     /**
583     ditto
584     */
585     int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref size_t) operations) const 
586     {
587         return opApplyImpl(operations);
588     }
590     /**
591     Node constructor. A universe size provided, if the size is below the cutoff there is nothing to be done, as the
592     underlying value created and set to zero by default. 
593     If otherwise create an array of children. This array has to be (according to Cormen) of size of higher square
594     root of the current universe size + 1. The extra place is reserved for the summary. 
595     For each just created child call its constructor.
596     For the summary with the universe size of the higher square root of the current universe size. 
597     For each other child with the universe size of the lower square root of the currennt universe size. 
598     Then, assign the fully initialized children array to the pointer in the current node, doing approprate steps to
599     show, that this node is an intermediate node, not containing any values yet. 
600     The knowledge of the current universe size is lost at this moment. As this keeps every build up node smaller 
601     (and there could be a lot of them). This is why, the VEBtree class continues to hold the global universe size,
602     which is passed on every call to the root node. In this way this, extern saved value has the role of being
603     outsourced array size for each (!) node in the tree, as its size is reconstructed during the access to them. 
604     */
606     @disable this(this); 
608     /**
609     It is allowed to construct the root of the van Emde Boas tree directly, without the convenience method.
610     Params: 
611         val = Expected universe size. The tree is generated so that every index below the universe size can be put 
612         inside.
613     */
614     this(size_t val)
615     in(val >= 2)
616     {
617         universe = val;
618         setEmpty;
620         assert(!length_ == this.empty);
622         if (!isLeaf)
623         {
624             assert(this.capacity == (universe - 1).nextPow2);
625             const arrSize = this.capacity.hSR + 1;
627             // reserve enough place for the summary and the children cluster
628             ptr_ = (new typeof(this)[arrSize]).ptr;
630             // add higher square root children with lower square root universe each.
631             foreach (i, ref el; cluster)
632                 el = typeof(this)(this.capacity.lSR);
634             // add the summary with its universe of higher squaure root of the current universe
635             summary = typeof(this)(this.capacity.hSR);
636         }
637         assert(!length_ == this.empty);
638     }
640     /**
641     This tree has a length notion: it is the current number of inserted elements. 
642     Returns: The current amount of contained keys. 
643     */
644     size_t length() const @nogc
645     {
646         return length_;
647     }
649     /**
650     the empty method to inform of an empty state of the tree.
651     Returns: Whether the tree is currently empty 
652     */
653     bool empty() const @nogc
654     {
655         return isLeaf ? value_ == 0 : value_ == -NIL;
656     }
658     /**
659     This yields whether the node is a leaf node.
660     Returns: Whether the node is a leaf. 
661     */
662     bool isLeaf() const @nogc
663     {
664         return universe <= baseSize;
665     }
667     /**
668     The minimal contained key in the van Emde Boas tree
669     Returns: The minimal contained element of the tree 
670     */
671     size_t front() @nogc const
672     {
673         if (empty) // do not proceed at all, if the root is empty
674             return NIL;
675         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
676             return bsf(value_);
677         return value_ & lowerMask;
678     }
680     /**
681     The maximal contained key in the van Emde Boas tree
682     Returns: The maximal contained element of the tree
683     */
684     size_t back() @nogc const
685     {
686         if (empty) // do not proceed at all, if the root is empty
687             return NIL;
688         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
689             return bsr(value_);
690         return (value_ & higherMask) >> (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof / 2);
691     }
693     /**
694     As a usual container, van Emde Boas tree provides the notion of capacity
695     Returns: The overall capacity of the tree. It is at least as high as the universe size provided on creation.
696     */
697     size_t capacity() @nogc const
698     {
699         return isLeaf ? baseSize : (universe - 1).nextPow2;
700     }
702     /**
703     remove method of the van Emde Boas tree
704     Params: 
705         val = The key to remove
706     Returns: Whether the key was removed. It is true, when the key was present, false otherwise
707     */
708     bool remove(size_t val) @nogc
709     {
710         if (val >= capacity) // do not proceed at all, if the value can't be in the tree 
711             return false;
712         if (empty) // do not proceed at all, if the root is empty
713             return false;
714         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
715             return length(length - (btr(&value_, val) != 0));
716         if (front == back) // if the current node contains only a single value
717         {
718             assert(length == 1);
719             if (front != val)
720                 return false; // do nothing if the given value is not the stored one 
721             assert(length == 1);
722             return length(length - 1);
723         }
725         if (val == front) // if we met the minimum of a node 
726         {
727             auto treeOffset = summary.front; // calculate an offset from the summary to continue with        
728             if (treeOffset == NIL) // if the offset is invalid, then there is no further hierarchy and we are going to 
729             {
730                 front = back; // store a single value in this node. 
731                 assert(length == 2);
732                 return length(length - 1);
733             }
734             auto m = cluster[treeOffset].front; // otherwise we get the minimum from the offset child
735             // remove it from the child 
736             cluster[treeOffset].remove(m);
737             if (cluster[treeOffset].empty)
738                 summary.remove(treeOffset);
739             //anyway, the new front of the current node become the restored value of the calculated offset. 
740             front = index(treeOffset, m);
741             assert(length);
742             return length(length - 1);
743         }
745         if (val == back) // if we met the maximum of a node 
746         {
747             // calculate an offset from the summary to contiue with 
748             auto treeOffset = summary.back;
749             // if the offset is invalid, then there is no further hierarchy and we are going to 
750             if (treeOffset == NIL)
751             {
752                 // store a single value in this node. 
753                 back = front;
754                 assert(length == 2);
755                 return length(length - 1);
756             }
757             // otherwise we get maximum from the offset child 
758             auto m = cluster[treeOffset].back;
759             // remove it from the child 
760             cluster[treeOffset].remove(m);
761             if (cluster[treeOffset].empty)
762                 summary.remove(treeOffset);
763             // anyway, the new back of the current node become the restored value of the calculated offset. 
764             back = index(treeOffset, m);
765             assert(length);
766             return length(length - 1);
767         }
768         // if no condition was met we have to descend deeper. We get the offset by reducing the value to high(value, uS)
769         auto treeOffset = high(val);
770         auto res = length(length - cluster[treeOffset].remove(low(val)));
771         if (cluster[treeOffset].empty)
772             summary.remove(treeOffset);
773         return res;
774     }
776     /**
777     The successor search method of the van Emde Boas tree. 
778     Params: 
779         val = The key the next greater neighbor of which is looked for.
780     Returns: Ditto. If the next greater neighbor is missing a number out of bounds of the tree is returned.
781     */
782     size_t next(size_t val) @nogc const
783     {
784         if (empty) // do not proceed at all, if the root is empty
785             return NIL;
786         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
787         {
788             if (val + 1 >= baseSize) // all vals are reduced by one. 
789                 return NIL;
791             // create a mask, which hides all lower bits of the stored value up to the given bit number, then apply
792             // bit search from the lowest bit. 
793             auto maskedVal = value_ & ~((size_t(1) << (val + 1)) - 1);
795             if (maskedVal != 0)
796                 return maskedVal.bsf;
798             return NIL;
799         }
800         // if given value is less then the front, return the front as successor
801         if (val < front)
802             return front;
803         // if given value is greater then the back, no predecessor exists
804         if (val >= back)
805             return NIL;
806         // if none of the break conditions was met, we have to descent further into the tree. 
807         // calculate the child index by high(value, uS)
808         const childIndex = high(val);
809         // look into the child for its maximum
810         const maxlow = cluster[childIndex].back;
811         // if the maximum exists and the lowered given value is less then the child's maximum 
812         if ((maxlow != NIL) && (low(val) < maxlow))
813         {
814             auto offset = cluster[childIndex].next(low(val));
815             // the result is given by reconstruction of the answer
816             return index(childIndex, offset);
817         }
818         else // otherwise we can not use the maximum of the child 
819         {
820             auto succcluster = summary.next(childIndex);
821             // if the successor cluster is null
822             if (succcluster == NIL)
823                 return back;
824             assert(succcluster != NIL);
825             assert(cluster[succcluster].front != NIL);
826             // if the successor cluster exists, the offset is given by its minimum
827             // and the result by the reconstruction of the offset. 
828             return index(succcluster, cluster[succcluster].front);
829         }
830     }
832     /**
833     The predecessor search method of the van Emde Boas tree. 
834     Params: 
835         val = The key the next smaller neighbor of which is looked for.
836     Returns: Ditto. If the next smaller neighbor is missing a number out of bounds of the tree is returned.
837     */
838     size_t prev(size_t val) @nogc const
839     {
840         if (empty) // do not proceed at all, if the root is empty
841             return NIL;
842         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
843         {
844             if (val != 0)
845             {
846                 /*
847                 create a mask, which hides all higher bits of the stored value down to the given bit number, then apply
848                 bit search from the highest bit. 
849                 */
850                 auto maskedVal = value_ & ((size_t(1) << val) - 1);
852                 if (maskedVal != 0)
853                     return typeof(return)(maskedVal.bsr);
854             }
855             return NIL;   
856         }
857         // if given value is greater then the stored back, the predecessor is back
858         if (val > back)
859             return back;
860         // if given value is less then the front, no predecessor exists. 
861         if (val <= front)
862             return NIL;
863         // if none of the break conditions was met we have to descend further into the tree. 
864         auto childIndex = high(val); // calculate the child index by high(value, uS)
865         const minlow = cluster[childIndex].front; // look into the child for its minimum
866         // if the minimum exists and the lowered given value is greater then the child's minimum
867         if ((minlow != NIL) && (low(val) > minlow))
868         {
869             auto offset = cluster[childIndex].prev(low(val));
870             // the result is given by reconstruction of the answer. 
871             return index(childIndex, offset);
872         }
873         else // otherwise we can not use the minimum of the child 
874         {
875             auto predcluster = summary.prev(childIndex);
876             // if the predecessor cluster is null return the current front, as this is the last remaining value 
877             if (predcluster == NIL)
878                 return front;
879             // if the predecessor cluster exists, the offset is given by its maximum
880             // and the result by the reconstruction of the offset. 
881             return index(predcluster, cluster[predcluster].back);
882         }
883     }
885     /**
886     The insertion method of the van Emde Boas tree. 
887     Params: 
888         val = The key to insert
889     Returns: Whether the key was inserted. It is true, when the key was inserted, false otherwise
890     */
891     bool insert(size_t val) @nogc
892     {
893         if (val >= capacity) // do not proceed at all, if the value won't fit into the tree 
894             return false;
895         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
896             return length(length + (bts(&value_, val) == 0));
897         if (empty) // if the current node does not contain anything put the value inside. 
898         {
899             assert(empty);
900             front = val;
901             back = val;
902             assert(front == val);
903             assert(!empty);
904             assert(front == back);
905             assert(!empty);
906             return length(length + 1);
907         }
909         assert(!empty);
910         assert(front != NIL);
911         assert(back != NIL);
913         if (val == front || val == back) // if the value coincides with existing values, return 
914             return false;
915         // if the node contains a single value only, expand the node to a range and leave. 
916         if (front == back)
917         {
918             if (front > val)
919                 front = val;
920             if (back < val)
921                 back = val;
922             return length(length + 1);
923         }
924         /*
925             if none of the cases above was true (all of them are break conditions) we have to compare the given value
926             with the values present and adapt the range limits. This replaces the value we want to insert. 
927         */
929         // a swap can not be used here, as front is itself a (property) method 
930         if (val < front)
931         {
932             const tmpKey = val;
933             val = front;
934             front = tmpKey;
935             assert(front == tmpKey);
936         }
938         // a swap can not be used here, as back is itself a (property) method 
939         if (val > back)
940         {
941             const tmpKey = val;
942             val = back;
943             back = tmpKey;
944             assert(back == tmpKey);
945         }
947         // calculate the index of the children cluster by high(value, uS) we want to descent to. 
948         const nextTreeIndex = high(val);
949         if (cluster[nextTreeIndex].empty)
950             summary.insert(nextTreeIndex);
951         return length(length + cluster[nextTreeIndex].insert(low(val)));
952     }
954     /**
955     The cached value of the universe, provided on creation
956     Returns: The cached input, provided on creation
957     */
958     size_t universe() @nogc const
959     {
960         return universe_;
961     }
963     private:
965     size_t toHash() @nogc const nothrow { assert(0); }
967     bool front(size_t val) @nogc
968     {
969         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
970             return insert(val);
971         value_ = value_ & higherMask; // otherwise, set the lower part of the value, keeping the higher bits
972         const retVal = ((value_ & lowerMask) == val) ? false : true;
973         value_ = value_ | val;
974         return retVal; // this is a bug!
975     }
977     bool back(size_t val) @nogc
978     {
979         if (isLeaf) // pass control to the node
980             return insert(val);
981         value_ = value_ & lowerMask; // otherwise, set the higher part of the value, keeping the lower bits
982         const retVal = (value_ & higherMask) == (val << (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof / 2)) ? false : true;
983         value_ = value_ | (val << (CHAR_BIT * size_t.sizeof / 2));
984         return retVal; // this is a bug!
985     }
987     bool length(size_t input) @nogc
988     in
989     {
990         assert(input <= this.capacity);
992         if (input != length)
993         {
994             input > length ? assert(input - length == 1) : assert(length - input == 1);
995         }
996     }
997     do
998     {
999         const retVal = length != input;
1001         length_ = input;
1003         if (!length_)
1004             setEmpty;
1006         return retVal;
1007     }
1009     size_t index(size_t x, size_t y) const @nogc
1010     {
1011         return .index(this.capacity, x, y);
1012     }
1014     size_t low(size_t val) const @nogc
1015     {
1016         return .low(this.capacity, val); 
1017     }
1019     size_t high(size_t val) const @nogc
1020     {
1021         return .high(this.capacity, val); 
1022     }
1024     void universe(size_t val) @nogc
1025     {
1026         universe_ = val; 
1027     }
1029     size_t value_;
1030     size_t universe_;
1031     size_t length_;
1032     typeof(this)* ptr_;
1034     ref summary() inout @nogc
1035     in(!isLeaf)
1036     { // return the last element of the array of children, stored in the node. 
1037         return ptr_[capacity.hSR];
1038     }
1040     auto cluster() inout @nogc
1041     in(!isLeaf)
1042     { // return all of the children in the stored array, but the last element 
1043         return ptr_[0 .. capacity.hSR];
1044     }
1046     // The empty setter of a node. This function is kept for consistency in this module. 
1047     void setEmpty() @nogc 
1048     {
1049         value_ = isLeaf ? 0 : -NIL;
1050     }
1052     // with the trick of https://forum.dlang.org/thread/erznqknpyxzxqivawnix@forum.dlang.org
1053     int opApplyImpl(O)(O operations) const
1054     {
1055         int result;
1056         size_t leading = this.front;
1058         //for(size_t leading = front; leading < back; leading = this.next(leading)) 
1060         for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
1061         {
1062             static if (arity!operations == 1)
1063                 result = operations(leading);
1064             else static if (arity!operations == 2)
1065                 result = operations(i, leading);
1066             else 
1067                 assert(0); 
1069             if (result)
1070                 break;
1072             leading = this.next(leading);
1073         }
1075         return result;
1076     }
1077 }
1079 private: 
1080 struct VEBtree(Flag!"inclusive" inclusive, T)
1081 {
1082     auto opBinaryRight(string op)(size_t key) @nogc if (op == "in")
1083     {
1084         return key in root;
1085     }
1087     static if (inclusive)
1088     {
1089         size_t frontKey;
1090         size_t backKey;
1091     }
1092     else
1093     {
1094         ptrdiff_t frontKey;
1095         ptrdiff_t backKey;
1096     }
1098     size_t length;
1100     typeof(frontKey) front() @nogc
1101     {
1102         return frontKey;
1103     }
1105     void popFront() @nogc
1106     in(!empty)
1107     {
1108         --length;
1109         frontKey = next(frontKey);
1110     }
1112     typeof(backKey) back() @nogc
1113     {
1114         return backKey;
1115     }
1117     void popBack() @nogc
1118     in(!empty)
1119     {
1120         --length;
1121         backKey = prev(backKey);
1122     }
1124     auto prev(size_t key) @nogc
1125     {
1126         const pred = root.prev(key);
1127         static if (inclusive)
1128             return pred == NIL ? 0 : pred;
1129         else
1130             return pred;
1131     }
1133     auto next(size_t key) @nogc
1134     {
1135         const succ = root.next(key);
1137         static if(inclusive)
1138             debug
1139                 if (succ == NIL)
1140                     assert(length <= 1, format!"key: %d, length: %d\n"(key, length)); 
1142         static if (inclusive)
1143             if (succ == NIL)    
1144                return backKey;
1145             else
1146                 return succ;
1147         else
1148             return succ;
1149     }
1151     bool empty() @nogc
1152     {
1153         return !length;
1154     }
1156     auto save() const @nogc
1157     {
1158         return vebTree!(inclusive)(*root_, frontKey, backKey, length);
1159     }
1161     size_t toHash() @nogc const nothrow { assert(0); }
1163     /**
1164     for comparison with an iterable, the iterable will be iterated, as the current object.
1165     */
1166     bool opEquals(T)(auto ref T input) const if (isIterable!T)
1167     {
1168         static if (is(T == typeof(this)))
1169             return root == input.root;
1171         static if (hasLength!T)
1172             if (length != input.length)
1173                 return false;
1175         auto copy = this.save;
1177         foreach (el; input)
1178         {
1179             if (el != copy.front)
1180                 return false;
1181             copy.popFront();
1182         }
1184         return true;
1185     }
1187     @disable this(); 
1189     private: 
1190     T* root_;
1191     ref T root() { return *root_; }
1193     this(T, Args...)(ref T _root, Args args) @nogc
1194     {
1195         root_ = &_root; 
1197         static if(Args.length)
1198         {
1199             frontKey = args[0];
1200             backKey = args[1];
1201             length = args[2]; 
1202         }
1203         else
1204         {
1205             length = root.length; 
1206             static if (inclusive)
1207             {
1208                 if(!length)
1209                 {
1210                     backKey = root.universe; 
1211                     length = 2; 
1212                 }
1213                 else
1214                 {
1215                     if(root.front > 0)
1216                         ++length;
1218                     if(root.back <= root.universe)
1219                         backKey = root.universe;
1220                     else if(root.back <= root.capacity)
1221                         backKey = root.capacity;
1223                     if(root.back < backKey)
1224                         ++length;
1225                 }
1226             }
1227             else
1228             {
1229                 frontKey = root.front;
1230                 backKey = root.back;
1231             }
1232         }
1233     }
1234 }
1236 // bit mask representing uint.max. 
1237 enum size_t lowerMask = size_t.max >> (size_t.sizeof * CHAR_BIT / 2);
1238 // bit mask representing size_t.back without uint.max. 
1239 enum size_t higherMask = size_t.max ^ lowerMask;
1241 /*
1242 This function returns the higher square root of the given input. It is needed in the initialization step 
1243 of the VEB tree to calculate the number of children of a given layer. And this is the universe size of the
1244 summary of a node. The upper square root is defined by 2^{\lceil(\lg u)/2\rceil}
1245 */
1246 size_t hSR(size_t val) @nogc
1247 {
1248     return size_t(1) << (bsr(val) / 2 + ((val.bsr & 1) || ((val != 0) && (val & (val - 1)))));
1249 }
1250 //
1251 unittest
1252 {
1254     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1255     const errorString = format!"UT: hSR. seed: %d"(currentSeed);
1256     rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1257     size_t M = uniform(1UL, uint.max); //set universe size to some integer. 
1258     auto hSR = hSR(M);
1259     assert((hSR & (hSR - 1)) == 0, errorString);
1260     import std.range : array;
1261     import std.algorithm.searching : until;
1263     auto check = powersOfTwo.until(hSR).array;
1264     assert((check[$ - 1]) * (check[$ - 1]) < M, errorString);
1265 }
1267 /*
1268 This function returns the lower square root of the given input. It is needed by the indexing functions
1269 high(x), low(x) and index(x,y) of elements in the tree. Also, this is the universe size of a child of a node. The
1270 lower square root is defined by 2^{\lfloor(\lgu)/2\rfloor}
1271 */
1272 size_t lSR(size_t val) @nogc
1273 {
1274     return size_t(1) << (bsr(val) / 2);
1275 }
1276 //
1277 unittest
1278 {
1279     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1280     const errorString = format!"UT: lSR               seed: %d"(currentSeed);
1281     rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1282     const M = uniform(1UL, uint.max); //set universe size to some integer. 
1283     auto lSR = M.lSR;
1285     assert((lSR & (lSR - 1)) == 0, errorString);
1286     assert(lSR * lSR < M, errorString);
1287     import std.algorithm.searching : find;
1289     assert(!powersOfTwo.find(lSR).empty);
1290 }
1292 /*
1293 This is an index function defined as \lfloor x/lSR(u)\rfloor. It is needed to find the appropriate cluster
1294 of a element in the tree. It is a part of the ideal indexing function.
1295 */
1296 size_t high(size_t universe, size_t val) @nogc
1297 out (result; result == val / universe.lSR) // bithacks = keithschwarz
1298 {
1299     return val >> (bsr(universe) / 2);
1300 }
1301 //
1302 unittest
1303 {
1304     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1305     const errorString = format!"UT: high              seed: %d"(currentSeed);
1306     rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1307     const M = uniform(1UL, uint.max); //set universe size to some integer. 
1308     assert(M, errorString);
1309     size_t U = M.nextPow2;
1310     assert(U, errorString);
1311     auto x = uniform(0UL, U);
1312     assert(high(U, x) == x / U.lSR, errorString);
1313 }
1315 /*
1316 This is an index function defined as fmod(value, lSR(universe)). It is needed to find the appropriate
1317 value inside a cluster. It is part of the ideal indexing function
1318 */
1319 size_t low(size_t universe, size_t val) @nogc
1320 out (retVal; retVal == (val & ((size_t(1) << (bsr(universe) / 2)) - 1)))
1321 {
1322     return val % universe.lSR;
1323 }
1324 //
1325 unittest
1326 {
1327     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1328     const errorString = format!"UT: low               seed: %d"(currentSeed);
1329     rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1330     size_t M = uniform(1UL, uint.max); //set universe size to some integer. 
1331     size_t U = nextPow2(M);
1332     auto x = uniform(0UL, U);
1333     assert(low(U, x) == (x & (U.lSR - 1)), errorString);
1334 }
1336 /*
1337 This is an index function to retain the searched value. It is defined as x * lSR(u) + y. Beyond this, the
1338 relation holds: x = index(high(x), x.low). This is the ideal indexing function of the tree. 
1339 */
1340 size_t index(size_t universe, size_t x, size_t y) @nogc
1341 {
1342     return (x * universe.lSR + y);
1343 }
1344 //
1345 unittest
1346 {
1347     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1348     const errorString = format!"UT: index             seed: %d"(currentSeed);
1349     rndGen.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1350     const M = uniform(0UL, uint.max); //set universe size to some integer. 
1351     size_t U = M.nextPow2;
1352     auto x = uniform(0UL, U);
1353     assert(index(U, U.high(x), U.low(x)) == x, errorString);
1354 }
1356 auto vebTree(Flag!"inclusive" inclusive, T, Args...)(ref T root, Args args)
1357 {
1358     return VEBtree!(inclusive, T)(root, args);
1359 }