1 /**
2     Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016- Alexander Orlov. All rights reserved.
3     License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License).
4     Authors: Alexander Orlov, $(LINK2 mailto:sascha.orlov@gmail.com, sascha.orlov@gmail.com) 
5 */
7 /**
8     This module implements a Van Emde Boas tree container.
9     The module is still a work in progress. So, if you find an error by chance, please let me know in any way.
10     The main idea of the container is, to restrict the capacity of the tree by the next power of two universe size,
11     given an arbitrary size at the initialization. As long as the usage is intended to contains keys, as in the
12     current version, this restriction is not only a restriction of the amount of elements but also on the contained
13     element values. 
14     For optimization purposes, the size limit is size_t.max/2 + 1. The tree was tested on 64- and 32-bit arch. 
15     So the largest element which can be stored is 4.294.967.295 on a 64-bit architecture. 
16 */
18 // (optional) todo: provide functionality to contain non-unique keys, i. e. exercise 20.3.1 from Cormen
20 /**
21     The library is supposed to contain a tree on keys only, for the data could be managed outside. Then, there could be 
22     a simple method to combine the keys and the data together. 
23 */
25 /**
26     The main advantage of the Van Emde Boas tree appears on a large amount of elements, as the provided standard
27     operations of the tree are constant in time and of order O(lg2(lg2(U))), where U is the capacity of the tree. For
28     small amount of elements the overhead coming along with the structure take over. For example, for a universe size of
29     2^14 and 15872 insertion operatios the duration for the Van Emde Boas tree is about 1*10^(-3) times smaller. As one
30     of the unittests shows. 
31 */
33 /**
34     Be aware, the current container is intended to be used with keys. This implies, that the capacity, fixed on its
35     initialization has two meanings. As usual, it shows the maximum amount of elements the instanciated tree can keep.
36     But also, it states, that no value bigger then capacity - 1 exists in the tree. This, and the fact, that only
37     non-negative values can be used are infered from the term "key".
38 */
40 /**
41     See_also: Thomas H. Cormen, Clifford Stein, Ronald L. Rivest, and Charles E. Leiserson. 2001. <em>Introduction to
42     Algorithms</em> (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
43 */
45 /**
46     As an important optimization a bottom out technique is used to compactify the tree to the level of nodes, where bit
47     operations become possible. As a side effect, the optimization now relies on the underlying architecture. This leads
48     to the fact, that the maximum of elements which can be stored is 
49     2^16 on a 32-bit architecture and 
50     2^32 on a 64-bit architecture. 
51     This was intentionally chosen for two reasons: 
52     i) to keep the size of a single node also depending from the underlying architecture. 
53     ii) for bitoperations, which the tree is relying on, to use the native word size of the architecture without
54     emulating bigger entities. 
55 */
57 module vebtree; 
59 import std.typecons; // used for Nullable 
60 import core.bitop; // used for bit operations 
61 import std.bitmanip; // used for bitfields 
62 import std.traits; // used for generating the tree given an iterable
63 import std.range; 
65 private enum vdebug = false; 
67 version(unittest)
68 {
69     static if(vdebug){import std.stdio;}
70     import std.algorithm;
71     import std.random; 
72     import std.datetime; 
73     import std.conv : to;
74     import std.container; // red black tree may be used in unittests for comparison.
75     import std.math : sqrt; 
76     size_t[] powersOfTwo = iota(0, 8 * size_t.sizeof).map!(a => size_t(1) << a).array; 
77     Random rndGenInUse; 
79     // helping function for output a given value in binary representation
80     static if(vdebug)
81     {
82         void bin(size_t n)
83         {
84             /* step 1 */
85             if (n > 1) bin(n/2);
86             /* step 2 */
87             write(n % 2);
88         }
89     }
91     // during tests it is ok a tree with a random capacity not going up to the maximum one. 
92     enum testedSize = 1 << 2 * size_t.sizeof; //3 * size_t.sizeof;
93     // during tests helping static arrays are used, which have an absolute maximum of size_t.sizeof * 2^20 elements
94     enum allowedArraySize = 1 << size_t.sizeof; //(2 * size_t.sizeof + size_t.sizeof/2); 
95     // choosed arbitrary, to avoid seg. faults
97     // some different filling functions for the tree. This simply tries to fill the tree with random numbers. Duplicates
98     // will be ignored, the given tree is modified. 
99     auto fill(ref VEBtree vT, size_t m, Random rndGenInUse)
100     {
101         size_t n; 
102         for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
103         {
104             auto x = uniform(0, vT.expectedSize, rndGenInUse);
105             // the check for membership is done to add only on inserting to the counter, not just 
106             // because visiting the the loop
107             if(!(x in vT))
108             {
109                 vT.insert(x); 
110                 ++n; 
111             }
112         }
113         return n; 
114     }
116     // Ditto. This method asserts, that a given filling percentage is achieved. 
117     auto fill(ref VEBtree vT, ref size_t[] arr, Random rndGenInUse, size_t fillPercentage = 31)
118     {
119         size_t n; 
120         arr.length = fillPercentage * vT.capacity/32; 
121         while(n != fillPercentage * vT.capacity/32)
122         {
123             auto x = uniform(0, vT.capacity - 1, rndGenInUse);
124             // the check for membership is done to add only on inserting to the counter, not just 
125             // because visiting the the loop
126             if(!(x in vT))
127             {
128                 vT.insert(x); 
129                 arr[n] = x; 
130                 ++n; 
131             }
132         }
133         assert(n == fillPercentage*vT.capacity/32); 
134         return n; 
135     }
136 }
138 /**
139     the baseSize defines the cutoff limit, where the node goes into the bit array mode. It is parametrized on the size
140     of size_t and changes dynamically with the architecture used. 
141 */
142 enum baseSize = 8 * size_t.sizeof; 
144 /**
145     the maxSizeBound defines the maximum the tree can be constructed with. It is parametrized on the size of size_t and
146     changes dynamically with the architecture used. 
147 */
148 enum maxSizeBound = (size_t(1) << baseSize/2) + 1; 
150 /// Convinience function to return the ceiling to the next power of two of the given input. 
151 @nogc nothrow size_t nPof2(size_t value)
152 in
153 {
154     assert(value != 0); 
155     assert(bsr(value) < baseSize - 1); 
156 }
157 body { return size_t(1) << (bsr(value) + 1); }
158 ///
159 unittest
160 {
161     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
162     static if(vdebug){write("UT: nPof2.            "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
163     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
164     const size_t M = uniform(1U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
166     const auto pOfM = nPof2(M); 
167     assert((pOfM & (pOfM-1)) == 0); 
168     const auto check = powersOfTwo.until(nPof2(M), OpenRight.no).array; 
169     assert(M < check[$-1]); 
170     assert(M > check[$-2]);
171 }
173 /**
174     This function returns the higher square root of the given input. It is needed in the initialization step 
175     of the VEB tree to calculate the number of children of a given layer. And this is the universe size of the
176     summary of a node. The upper square root is defined by 2^{\lceil(\lg u)/2\rceil}
177 */
178 @nogc nothrow size_t hSR(size_t value) 
179 {
180     return size_t(1) << (bsr(value)/2 + ((bsr(value) & 1) || ((value != 0) && (value & (value - 1))))); 
181 }
182 ///
183 unittest
184 {
185     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
186     static if(vdebug){write("UT: hSR.              "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
187     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
188     const size_t M = uniform(1U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
189     auto hSR = hSR(M); 
191     assert((hSR & (hSR - 1)) == 0); 
192     if(hSR < uint.max) assert(hSR >= sqrt(to!float(M)));
194     const auto check = powersOfTwo.until(hSR).array; 
195     assert((check[$-1]) * (check[$-1]) < M); 
196 }
198 /**
199     This function returns the lower square root of the given input. It is needed by the indexing functions
200     high(x), low(x) and index(x,y) of elements in the tree. Also, this is the universe size of a child of a node. The
201     lower square root is defined by 2^{\lfloor(\lgu)/2\rfloor}
202 */
203 @nogc nothrow size_t lSR(size_t value) { return size_t(1) << (bsr(value)/2); }
204 ///
205 unittest
206 {
207     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
208     static if(vdebug){write("UT: lSR.              "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
209     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
210     const size_t M = uniform(1U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
211     auto lSR = lSR(M); 
213     assert((lSR & (lSR - 1)) == 0); 
214     assert(lSR * lSR < M);
215     const auto check = powersOfTwo.find(lSR).array; 
217     if(lSR < size_t.max/2) assert((check[1]) > sqrt(to!float(M))); 
218 }
220 /*
221 This is an index function defined as \lfloor x/lSR(u)\rfloor. It is needed to find the appropriate cluster
222 of a element in the tree. It is a part of the ideal indexing function. 
223 */
224 private @nogc nothrow size_t high(size_t value, size_t uS) { return value >> (bsr(uS) / 2); }
225 //
226 unittest
227 {
228     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
229     static if(vdebug){write("UT: high.             "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
230     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
231     const size_t M = uniform(1U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
232     const size_t U = nPof2(M); 
233     const size_t x = uniform(0U, U, rndGenInUse); 
235     assert(high(x,U) == x / lSR(U)); 
236 }
238 /*
239 This is an index function defined as fmod(value, lSR(uS)). It is needed to find the appropriate
240 value inside a cluster. It is part of the ideal indexing function
241 */
242 private @nogc nothrow size_t low(size_t value, size_t uS) { return value & ((size_t(1) << (bsr(uS) / 2)) - 1); }
243 //
244 unittest
245 {
246     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
247     static if(vdebug){write("UT: low.              "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
248     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
249     const size_t M = uniform(1U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
250     const size_t U = nPof2(M); 
251     const size_t x = uniform(0U, U, rndGenInUse); 
253     assert(low(x, U) == (x & (lSR(U) - 1)));
254 }
256 /*
257 This is an index function to retain the searched value. It is defined as x * lSR(u) + y. Beyond this, the
258 relation holds: x = index(high(x), low(x)). This is the ideal indexing function of the tree. 
259 */
260 private @nogc nothrow size_t index(size_t uS, size_t x, size_t y){ return (x * lSR(uS) + y); }
261 //
262 unittest
263 {
264     const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
265     static if(vdebug){write("UT: index.            "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
266     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
267     const size_t M = uniform(0U,size_t.max/2, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
269     const size_t U = nPof2(M); 
270     const size_t x = uniform(0U, U, rndGenInUse); 
272     assert(index(U, high(x, U), low(x, U)) == x); 
273 }
275 /**
276     This is the struct to represent a VEB tree node. As memebers it contains a value and a pointer to the children
277     array. As the pointer does not know the size of the array, it has to be passed in all methods, which require an
278     access to it. 
279     Dependent from the (universe) size passed in a method the stored value will be interpretated in two different ways: 
280     If the parameter passed shows, that the universe size is below the bit size of the stored value, then, it can be
281     handled as a bit array and all operations decay to operations defined in core.bitop. This case correspond to
282     the state of the node being a leaf. No children exist and the pointer should stay uninitialized
283     Otherwise, the value is interpretated as two values, the minimum and maximum stored at the same place in memory. The
284     minimum and maximum shows, which range is achievable through this node. The parameters passed to a function of the
285     node have to be well chosen, to hit the appropriate child. 
286     The first element of the children array, if present is handled different. According to literature, it has the role
287     of the summary of the remaining children cluster. With it help it is possible to achieve a very small recursion
288     level during an access. 
289 */
290 struct VEBnode
291 {
292     /*
293         This pointer acts as an array to nodes like this one. As the universe size is not provided, the length of the
294         array can not be used to calculate the most of operations, so no explicit array is needed. The only remaining
295         property is whether the pointer is set at all. From this property the node can decide, whether it is a leaf or
296         an intermediate node. 
297     */
298     private VEBnode* ptrArr; // the first member behaves different, as the others, as it is the summary node. 
300     /// property returning the summary node 
301     @nogc nothrow @property ref inout(VEBnode) summary() inout
302     in { assert(!isLeaf); }
303     body { return ptrArr[0]; }
304     unittest
305     {
306         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); // 83_843; 898_797_859; 
307         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, summary.      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
308         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
310         VEBnode vN = VEBnode(512); 
311         assert(!vN.isLeaf); 
312         vN.ptrArr[0]._val = 73; 
313         assert(vN.summary._val == 73);
314     }
316     /// property returning the cluster array 
317     @nogc nothrow @property inout(VEBnode*) cluster() inout
318     in { assert(!isLeaf); }
319     body { return (ptrArr + 1); }
320     unittest
321     {
322         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); // 83_843; 898_797_859; 
323         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, cluster.      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
324         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
326         const auto value = uniform!"[]"(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse);
327         const auto place = uniform(0U,baseSize, rndGenInUse);
329         VEBnode vN = VEBnode(4096); 
330         vN.ptrArr[place]._val = value; 
331         assert(vN.ptrArr[place]._val == value); 
332         assert(vN.cluster[place - 1]._val == value); // the right place: it is the (place - 1) location of clusters
333         vN.cluster[place]._val = 73; 
334     }
336     /*
337         An unnamed union defines the essential behavior of the node. It is either a real node with a min and a max, or
338         it is a ulong which is handled as a bit array. 
339     */ 
340     union 
341     {
342         /*  
343             as the underlying type size_t is chosen. It is the intended choice, as this delivers the maximum storage
344             size without emulation of types, which size is not native to an architecture. 
345             As the value behaves different depending on the node being a leaf. A special consideration should be done,
346             how the unset state has to be stored. 
347             In case of being a leaf, the value is interpreated as bit vector, storing a "zero" correspond to setting the
348             least bit. So the unset state corresponds to value being zero. 
349             In case of being an intermediate node, the both stored values min and max correspond to a range. In this
350             case the state of being unset is modeled by a minimum set to a value greater then the maximum on
351             initialization. 
352             For the case a function is queried and the answer correnspond to a state being not set a Nullable.null is
353             returned from the very method. The null value in the Nullable type doesn't need to enlarge it, as on every
354             architecture all values beyond 2^(8 * size_t.sizeof / 2) - 1 stays unused It is not possible to construct
355             a tree large enough to contain these values. Due this fact the null-value for the Nullable is chosen to
356             2^(8 * size_t.sizeof / 2)
357         */
358         private size_t _val;  
359         mixin(bitfields!(
360             size_t, "_min", baseSize/2, // the default value of the min is greater then the max. 
361             size_t, "_max", baseSize/2
362         ));
363     }
365     /*
366         It is not allowed to construct a node without providing the current universe size as it has to be known on
367         creation whether the children nodes have to be constructed. So, the default case is forbidden, as the children
368         may not appended beyond the knowledge of the constructor. 
369     */
370     @disable this(); 
371     /**
372         Node constructor. A universe size provided, if the size is below the cutoff there is nothing to be done, as the
373         underlying value created and set to zero by default. 
374         If otherwise create an array of children. This array has to be (according to Cormen) of size of higher square
375         root of the current universe size + 1. The extra place is reserved for the summary. 
376         For each just created child call its constructor.
377         For the summary with the universe size of the higher square root of the current universe size. 
378         For each other child with the universe size of the lower square root of the currennt universe size. 
379         Then, assign the fully initialized children array to the pointer in the current node, doing approprate steps to
380         show, that this node is an intermediate node, not containing any values yet. 
381         The knowledge of the current universe size is lost at this moment. As this keeps every build up node smaller 
382         (and there could be a lot of them). This is why, the VEBtree class continues to hold the global universe size,
383         which is passed on every call to the root node. In this way this, extern saved value has the role of being
384         outsourced array size for each (!) node in the tree, as its size is reconstructed during the access to them. 
385     */
386     nothrow this(size_t uS)
387     {
388         if(uS > baseSize)
389         {
390             VEBnode[] tmp; 
391             tmp.reserve(hSR(uS) + 1); // reserve enough place for the summary and the children cluster
392             tmp ~= VEBnode(hSR(uS)); // add the summary with its universe of higher squaure root of the current universe
393             for(size_t i = 1; i <= hSR(uS); ++i)
394                 tmp ~= VEBnode(lSR(uS)); // add higher square root children with lower square root universe each.
395             ptrArr = tmp.ptr; // save the pointer to the array, loosing the information about its length. 
396             nullify; // set the value to the sentinel value to represent the empty state. 
397         }
398         // else nothing todo.
399     }
400     unittest
401     {
402         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
403         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, __ctor.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
404         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
406         const auto uS = uniform!"[]"(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse);
408         const VEBnode vN = VEBnode(uS);
409         if(uS <= baseSize)
410         {
411             assert(vN.isLeaf); 
412             assert(vN._val == 0);
413             assert(vN.ptrArr == null); 
414         } 
415         else
416         {
417             assert(!vN.isLeaf); 
418             assert(vN._val == 1);
419             assert(vN.ptrArr != null); 
420         }
421     }
423     /** convinience method to check, if the node belongs to the lowest level in the tree */
424     @nogc nothrow @property bool isLeaf() const { return ptrArr == null; }
426     /** method to check whether the current node holds a value */
427     @nogc nothrow @property bool isNull() const { return isLeaf ? (_val == 0) : (_min > _max); }
429     /** method executing the appropriate steps to nullify the current node */
430     @nogc nothrow @property void nullify() { _val = isLeaf ? 0 : 1; }  
432     /**
433         method returning either the lower part of the stored value (intermediate node) or the lowest bit set (bit vector
434         mode. If the node does not contain any value (min > max or value == 0) Nullable.null is returned. 
435     */
436     @nogc nothrow @property Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) min() const
437     {
438         // define the result as a nullable 
439         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
440         /*
441             we have only a chance to get a value, if a value is present.
442             if it is a leaf, handle the val as a bit array and find the first bit set from the right. 
443             if it is not a leaf, get the minimum. 
444         */ 
445         if(!isNull) retVal = isLeaf ? bsf(_val) : _min; 
446         // return the result, even if it was not set to a value. 
447         return retVal;  
448     }
450     /**
451         setter for the min, setting either the lowest bit or the min part of the value. 
452     */
453     @nogc nothrow @property void min(size_t value)
454     {
455         if(isLeaf)
456         {
457             assert(min > value);
458             insert(value); 
459         }
460         else
461         {
462             // the passed value should not exceed the allowed size of a size/2
463             assert(value < maxSizeBound); 
464             _min = value; 
465         }
466     }
468     /** 
469         method returning either the higher part of the stored value (intermediate node) or the highest bit set (bit
470         vector mode. If the node does not contain any value (min > max or value == 0) Nullable.null is returned. 
471     */
472     @nogc nothrow @property Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) max() const
473     {
474         // define the result as a nullable
475         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
476         /*
477             we have only a chance to get a value, if a value is present. 
478             if it is a leaf, handle the val as a bit array and find the first bit set from the left. 
479             if it is not a leaf, get the max. 
480         */
481         if(!isNull) retVal = isLeaf ? bsr(_val) : _max; 
482         // return the result, even if it was not set to a value. 
483         return retVal;  
484     }
486     /**
487         setter for the max, setting either the highest bit or the max part of the value. 
488     */
489     @nogc nothrow @property void max(size_t value)
490     {
491         if(isLeaf) 
492         {
493             assert(max < value); 
494             insert(value); 
495         }
496         else
497         {
498             // the passed value should not exceed the allowed size of a size/2
499             assert(value < maxSizeBound); 
500             _max = value; 
501         }
502     }
504     /**
505         member method for the case universe size < base size. Overloads by passing only one parameter, which is
506         the bit number of interest. Returns whether the appropriate bit inside the bitvector is set.
507     */
508     @nogc nothrow bool opIn_r(size_t bitnum) const
509     in
510     {
511         // method inside the node defined on leafs only. 
512         assert(isLeaf); 
513         // when a bitnum is passed to the leaf, then, it is an index to the bitarray and has to be in proper range
514         assert(bitnum < baseSize);
515     }
516     body { return bt(&_val, bitnum) != 0; }
517     //
518     unittest
519     {
520         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); // 83_843; 898_797_859; 
521         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, opIn_r.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
522         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
524         const auto value = uniform(0U,size_t.max, rndGenInUse);
525         const auto bitNum = uniform(0U,baseSize, rndGenInUse);
526         VEBnode vN = VEBnode(baseSize); 
527         vN._val = value; 
529         if((vN._val & size_t(1) << bitNum) != 0 ) assert(bitNum in vN); 
530         if((vN._val & size_t(1) << bitNum) == 0 ) assert(!(bitNum in vN)); 
531     }
533     /**
534         member method. this method is called from class with a universe size given. It performs recursion calls until
535         the universe size is reduced to the base size. Then the overloaded member method is called. 
536     */
537     @nogc nothrow bool member(size_t value, size_t uS) const
538     {
539         if(uS <= baseSize) return (value in this); // do not use other functionality any more, if descended so far. 
541         if(this.isNull) return false; // if an empty intermediate node is found, nothing is stored below it. 
542         if(value == this.min || value == this.max) return true; // case of a single valued range. 
544         /*
545             else we have to descend, using the recursive indexing: 
546             1. take the high(value, uS)-th child and 
547             2. ask it about the reduced low(value, uS) value
548             3. use the lSR(uS) universe size of the childe node. 
549         */
550         return cluster[high(value, uS)].member(low(value, uS), lSR(uS)); 
551     }
553     /**
554         insert method. given a leaf, sets the bit and returns, whether the bit was unset. Overloads by passing only one
555         parameter, which is the bit number of interest.
556     */
557     @nogc nothrow bool insert(size_t bitnum)
558     in
559     {
560         // method inside the node defined on leafs only. 
561         assert(isLeaf); 
562         // when a bitnum is passed to the leaf, then, it is an index to the bitarray and has to be in proper range
563         assert(bitnum < baseSize);
564     }
565     body { return bts(&_val, bitnum) == 0; }
567     /**
568         insert method. this method is called from class with a universe size given. It performs recursion calls untill
569         the universe size is reduced to the base size. Then the overloaded insert method is called. 
570     */
571     @nogc nothrow bool insert(size_t value, size_t uS)
572     {
573         import std.algorithm.comparison : min, max;
575         if(uS <= baseSize) return this.insert(value); // if descended so far, do not use other functionality any more. 
577         if(this.isNull) // if the current node does not contain anything put the value inside. 
578         {
579             this.min = value; // the setters of min handle the value appropriately and do not need the universe size
580             this.max = value; // being explicitely provided, as they can check the isLeaf property. 
581             assert(!this.isNull); 
582             return true; 
583         }
585         assert(!this.isNull);
586         assert(!this.min.isNull); 
587         assert(!this.max.isNull); 
589         if(value == this.min || value == this.max) return false; // return, if value is already here.
591         if(this.min == this.max) // if the node contains a single value only, expand the node to a range and leave. 
592         {
593             this.min = min(this.min, value); 
594             this.max = max(this.max, value); 
595             return true; 
596         }
597         /*
598             if none of the cases above was true (all of them are break conditions) we have to compare the given value
599             with the values present and adapt the range limits. This replaces the value we want to insert. 
600         */
601         // a swap can not be used here, as min is itself a (property) method 
602         if(value < this.min) {const auto tmp = value; value = this.min.get; this.min = tmp; }
603         // a swap can not be used here, as max is itself a (property) method 
604         if(value > this.max) {const auto tmp = value; value = this.max.get; this.max = tmp; }
606         // calculate the index of the children cluster by high(value, uS) we want to descent to. 
607         auto nextTreeIndex = high(value, uS); 
609         // if the child is happened to be null we have to update the summary and insert value of high(value, uS) into it
610         if(cluster[nextTreeIndex].isNull) summary.insert(high(value, uS), hSR(uS));
612         // in any case we pass the lowered value low(value, uS) to the child. 
613         auto res = cluster[nextTreeIndex].insert(low(value, uS), lSR(uS)); 
614         return res;
615     }
617     /**
618         remove method. given a leaf, remove the bit and returns, whether the bit was set. Overloads by passing only one
619         parameter, which is the bit number of interest.
620     */
621     @nogc nothrow bool remove(size_t bitnum)
622     in
623     {
624         assert(isLeaf); 
625         assert(bitnum < baseSize); 
626     }
627     body { return btr(&_val, bitnum) != 0; }
629     /**
630         remove method. this method is called from class with a universe size given. It performs recursion calls untill
631         the universe size is reduced to the base size. Then the overloaded remove method is called. 
632     */
633     @nogc nothrow bool remove(size_t value, size_t uS)
634     {
635         if(uS <= baseSize) return this.remove(value); // if descended so far, do not use other functionality any more. 
636         if(this.isNull) return false; // if the current node is null, there is nothing to remove. 
637         if(this.min == this.max) // if the current node contains only a single value
638         {
639             if(this.min != value) return false; // do nothing if the given value is not the stored one 
640             this.nullify; // set this node to the sentinel-null if it does. 
641             return true; 
642         }
643         if(value == this.min) // if we met the minimum of a node 
644         {
645             auto treeOffset = summary.min; // calculate an offset from the summary to continue with
646             if(treeOffset.isNull) // if the offset is invalid, then there is no further hierarchy and we are going to 
647             {
648                 this.min = this.max; // store a single value in this node. 
649                 return true; 
650             }
651             auto min = cluster[treeOffset].min; // otherwise we get the minimum from the offset child
652             cluster[treeOffset].remove(min, lSR(uS)); // remove it from the child 
654             // if it happens to become null during the remove process, we also remove the offset entry from the summary 
655             if(cluster[treeOffset].isNull) summary.remove(treeOffset, hSR(uS)); 
657             //anyway, the new min of the current node become the restored value of the calculated offset. 
658             this.min = index(uS, treeOffset, min); 
660             return true; 
661         }
662         if(value == this.max) // if we met the maximum of a node 
663         {
664             auto treeOffset = summary.max; // calculate an offset from the summary to contiue with 
665             if(treeOffset.isNull) // if the offset is invalid, then there is no further hierarchy and we are going to 
666             {
667                 this.max = this.min; // store a single value in this node. 
668                 return true; 
669             }
671             auto max = cluster[treeOffset].max; // otherwise we get maximum from the offset child 
672             cluster[treeOffset].remove(max, lSR(uS)); // remove it from the child 
674             // if it happens to become null during the remove process, we also remove the offset enty from the summary 
675             if(cluster[treeOffset].isNull) summary.remove(treeOffset, hSR(uS)); 
677             // anyway, the new max of the current node become the restored value of the calculated offset. 
678             this.max = index(uS, treeOffset, max); 
679             return true; 
680         }
682         // if no condition was met we have to descend deeper. We get the offset by reducing the value to high(value, uS)
683         auto treeOffset = high(value, uS); 
684         // and remove low(value, uS) from the offset child. 
685         const bool retVal = cluster[treeOffset].remove(low(value, uS), lSR(uS)); 
686         // if the cluster become null during the remove process we have to update the summary node. 
687         if(cluster[treeOffset].isNull) summary.remove(treeOffset, hSR(uS)); 
689         return retVal; 
690     }
692     /**
693         predecessor method. given a leaf, returns the previous set bit if exists, otherwise Nullable.null. Overloads by
694         passing only one parameter, which is the bit number of interest.
695     */
696     @nogc nothrow Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) predecessor(size_t bitNum) const
697     in
698     {
699         assert(isLeaf); 
700         assert(bitNum < baseSize); 
701     }
702     body
703     {
704         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
706         if(!isNull && (bitNum != 0))
707         {
708             // create a mask, which hides all higher bits of the stored value down to the given bit number, then apply
709             // bit search from the highest bit. 
710             auto maskedVal = _val & ((size_t(1) << bitNum) - 1); 
711             if(maskedVal != 0) retVal = bsr(maskedVal);
712         }
713         return retVal; 
714     }
715     //
716     unittest
717     {
718         const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
719         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, predecessor.  "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
720         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
721         const size_t v = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
722         const size_t x = uniform(1U, baseSize, rndGenInUse);
723         VEBnode vN = VEBnode(baseSize); 
724         vN._val = v; 
726         bool found; 
728         for(size_t index = x - 1; index >= 0; --index)
729         {
730             if (v & (size_t(1) << index)) 
731             {
732                 found = true; 
733                 assert(!vN.isNull);
734                 assert(vN.predecessor(x) == index); 
735                 break; 
736             }
737             if(!index) break; 
738         }
740         if(!found) assert(vN.predecessor(x).isNull); 
741     }
743     /**
744         predecessor method. this method is called from class with a universe size given. It performs recursion calls
745         until the universe size is reduced to the base size. Then the overloaded predecessor method is called. 
746     */
747     @nogc nothrow Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) predecessor(size_t value, size_t uS) const
748     {
749         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
751         if(uS <= baseSize) return predecessor(value); // if descended so far, do not use other functionality any more. 
752         if(this.isNull) return retVal; // if this node is empty, no predecessor can be found here or deeper in the tree
753         if(value > this.max) return this.max; // if given value is greater then the stored max, the predecessor is max
754         if(value <= this.min) return retVal; // if given value is less then the min, no predecessor exists. 
756         /*
757             if none of the break conditions was met we have to descend further into the tree. 
758         */
759         const auto childIndex = high(value, uS); // calculate the child index by high(value, uS)
760         const auto minlow = cluster[childIndex].min; // look into the child for its minimum
761         // if the minimum exists and the lowered given value is greater then the child's minimum
762         if(!minlow.isNull && low(value, uS) > minlow) 
763         {
764             // calculate an offset to continue with by asking the child on predecessor of the lowered value. 
765             auto offset = cluster[childIndex].predecessor(low(value, uS), lSR(uS)); 
766             // the result is given by reconstruction of the answer. 
767             retVal = index(uS, childIndex, offset); 
768         }
769         else // otherwise we can not use the minimum of the child 
770         {
771             // ask the summary for the predecessor cluster. 
772             auto predcluster = summary.predecessor(childIndex, hSR(uS));
773             // if the predecessor cluster is null return the current min, as this is the last remaining value 
774             if(predcluster.isNull) return this.min; 
775             // if the predecessor cluster exists, the offset is given by its maximum
776             // and the result by the reconstruction of the offset. 
777             retVal = index(uS, predcluster, cluster[predcluster].max); 
778         }
779         return retVal; 
780     }
782     /**
783         successor method. given a leaf, returns the next set bit if exists, otherwise Nullable.null. Overloads by
784         passing only one parameter, which is the bit number of interest.
785     */
786     @nogc nothrow Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) successor(size_t bitNum) const
787     in
788     {
789         assert(isLeaf); 
790         assert(bitNum < baseSize); 
791     }
792     body
793     {
794         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
796         if(!isNull && (bitNum + 1 < baseSize)) 
797         {
798             // create a mask, which hides all lower bits of the stored value up to the given bit number, then apply
799             // bit search from the lowest bit. 
800             auto maskedVal = _val & ~((size_t(1) << (bitNum + 1)) - 1); 
801             if(maskedVal != 0) retVal = bsf(maskedVal);
802         }
803         return retVal; 
804     }
805     //
806     unittest
807     {
808         const size_t currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
809         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vN, successor.    "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
810         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
811         const size_t v = uniform(0U, size_t.max, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
812         const size_t x = uniform(0U, baseSize, rndGenInUse);
813         VEBnode vN = VEBnode(baseSize); 
814         vN._val = v; 
816         bool found; 
818         for (size_t index = x + 1; index < baseSize; ++index)
819         {
820             if (v & (size_t(1) << index)) 
821             {
822                 found = true; 
823                 assert(vN.successor(x) == index); 
824                 break; 
825             }
826         }
827         if(!found) assert(vN.successor(x).isNull);
828     }
830     /**
831         successor method. this method is called from class with a universe size given. It performs recursion calls until
832         the universe size is reduced to the base size. Then the overloaded successor method is called. 
833     */
834     @nogc nothrow Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) successor(size_t value, size_t uS) const
835     {
836         Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) retVal; 
837         if(uS <= baseSize) return successor(value); // if descended so far, do not use other functionality any more. 
838         if(this.isNull) return retVal; // if this node is empty, no successor can be found here or deeper in the tree
839         if(value < this.min) return this.min; // if given value is less then the min, return the min as successor
840         if(value >= this.max) return retVal; // if given value is greater then the max, no predecessor exists
842         /*
843             if none of the break conditions was met, we have to descent further into the tree. 
844         */
845         const auto childIndex = high(value, uS); // calculate the child index by high(value, uS)
846         const auto maxlow = cluster[childIndex].max; // look into the child for its maximum
847         // if the maximum exists and the lowered given value is less then the child's maximum 
848         if(!maxlow.isNull && low(value, uS) < maxlow)
849         {
850             // calculate an offset to continue with by asking the child on predecessor of the lowered value
851             auto offset = cluster[childIndex].successor(low(value, uS), lSR(uS)); 
852             // the result is given by reconstruction of the answer
853             retVal = index(uS, childIndex, offset);
854         }
855         else // otherwise we can not use the maximum of the child 
856         {
857             // ask the summary for the successor cluster. 
858             auto succcluster = summary.successor(childIndex, hSR(uS)); 
859             // if the successor cluster is null
860             if(succcluster.isNull) return this.max; // return the current max, as this is the last remaining value 
861             // if the successor cluster exists, the offset is given by its minimum
862             // and the result by the reconstruction of the offset. 
863             retVal = index(uS, succcluster, cluster[succcluster].min); 
864         }
865         return retVal; 
866     }
867 }
869 ///
870 unittest
871 {
872     VEBnode vN = VEBnode(baseSize); 
873     static assert(vN.sizeof < baseSize/2); 
874     assert(vN.isNull); 
875     assert(vN.sizeof == 2 * size_t.sizeof); 
876     assert(vN.isLeaf); 
877     assert(vN.isNull); 
878     vN._val = 3; 
879     assert(vN._min == 3);
880     assert(1 in vN);
881     assert(!(2 in vN));
882     assert(vN.isLeaf);
883     assert(vN.ptrArr == null); 
884     vN.nullify; 
885     assert(vN.isNull); 
886     assert(vN._val == 0); 
887 }
889 /**
890     This class represents the VEB tree itself. It saves the provided at the initialization step wished size. The
891     generated tree has the capacity of the next higher power of 2. Beyond this, it stores the root element, through
892     which all accesses to the tree are managed. The tree implements also the interface for being a bidirectional range.
893 */
894 struct VEBtree
895 {
896     // the root element of the tree. 
897     private VEBnode* root; 
898     // this member is updated on every insertion and deletion to give the current element count on O(1)
899     private size_t _elementCount; 
900     /// this member stores the initialization size, as it would be lost forever after initialization, otherwise
901     immutable size_t expectedSize; 
902     /// this value tracks the total range of the tree to be able to move on it independent from its copies
903     private auto _range = iota(0UL); 
905     /// default constructor of a VEB tree is disabled. 
906     @disable this(); 
908     private this(VEBnode* root_, size_t expectedSize_, size_t elementCount_, typeof(iota(0UL)) range_) @nogc
909     {
910         root = root_; 
911         expectedSize = expectedSize_; 
912         _elementCount = elementCount_; 
913         _range = range_; 
914     }
916     /**
917         to construct a VEB tree the wished size has to be provided. However, the size should be greater then one and
918         should not excess the maximum allowed size for the current architecture. 
919     */
920     nothrow this(size_t value)
921     in
922     {
923         assert(value > 1); 
924         assert(value < maxSizeBound);
925     }
926     body
927     {
928         // set the expected size to the passed value 
929         expectedSize = value; 
930         // delegate the creation of the nodes with the apropriate power of two of the needed universe size
931         root = new VEBnode(nPof2(expectedSize - 1)); 
933         assert(this.empty);
934     }
935     ///
936     unittest
937     {
938         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
939         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, __ctor.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
940         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
942         auto uS = uniform(1U << size_t(1),testedSize, rndGenInUse);
943         const VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
944         assert(vT.empty);
945         if((uS & (uS - 1)) == 0)
946             assert(vT.capacity == uS); 
947         else
948             assert(vT.capacity == (size_t(1) << (bsr(uS) + 1))); 
950         assert(vT.expectedSize == uS); 
952         const auto uS1 = uniform(1U << size_t(1),testedSize, rndGenInUse);
953         const auto uSsmall = uniform(1U << size_t(1),baseSize, rndGenInUse);
954         VEBtree vT1 = VEBtree(uS1); 
955         const VEBtree vTsmall = VEBtree(uSsmall); 
957         assert(vTsmall.root._val == 0);
958         assert(vTsmall.root.ptrArr == null); 
960         if(uS1 > 8 * size_t.sizeof)
961         {
962             assert(vT1.root._val == 1);
963             assert(vT1.root.ptrArr != null); 
965             //check every child for consistency. 
966             // the size of a node is higher square root & the summary node. 
968             // capacity is tested elsewhere. 
969             // hSR is also tested elsewhere
970             const auto childsAmount_l1 = hSR(vT1.capacity) + 1; 
971             const auto childsAmount_l2 = hSR(lSR(vT1.capacity)) > baseSize ? hSR(lSR(vT1.capacity)) + 1 : 0; 
973             // the tree is just created, assert all children are nullified
974             for(size_t i; i < childsAmount_l1; ++i)
975             {
976                 assert(vT1.root.ptrArr[i].isNull);
977                 if(childsAmount_l1 > baseSize + 1)
978                 {
979                     for(size_t j; j < childsAmount_l2; ++j)
980                     {
981                         assert(vT1.root.ptrArr[i].ptrArr[j].isNull);
982                     }
983                 }
984             }
985         }
986     }
988     /// another possibility is to construct a VEB tree is by providing an array.
989     nothrow this(R)(R range) if(isIterable!R)
990     in
991     {
992         // check, whether the range is not too long. I. e. expressable with an uint. 
993         assert(range.length < maxSizeBound);
994     }
995     body
996     {
997         import std.algorithm.comparison : max;
998         // first, we have to determine the size of the tree. 
999         // it is either derived from the length of the given tree or its greatest element
1000         size_t limit; 
1001         foreach(size_t i; range) limit = max(limit,i); 
1002         // assert no element has exceeded the allowed range of baseSize/2
1003         assert(limit < maxSizeBound);
1004         // if the array is longer, then the greatest element, but the length passes, substitute the limit
1005         limit = max(limit, range.length); 
1006         // call the constructor with the limit
1007         this(limit + 1);
1008         // put every element from the range into the tree
1009         foreach(size_t i; range) insert(i); 
1010     }
1012     /** 
1013         this method returns the capacity of the tree. It is equal to the next power of 2 regarding the size used at
1014         initialization. 
1015     */
1016     @nogc nothrow size_t capacity() const { return nPof2(expectedSize - 1); }
1018     /**
1019         this method is used to add an element to the tree. duplicate values will be ignored. the class provides an
1020         intermediate layer between the caller and the contained root and enrichs the input by the stored size. 
1021     */
1022     auto insert(size_t value) @nogc nothrow 
1023     {
1024         if(value >= capacity) return false; 
1025         const bool retVal = root.insert(value, capacity); 
1026         if(retVal)
1027         {
1028             ++_elementCount; 
1030             if(length == 1) _range = iota(value, value + 1UL); 
1031             else
1032             {
1033                 if(value < _range.front) _range = iota(value, _range.back + 1UL); 
1034                 if(value > _range.back) _range = iota(_range.front, value + 1UL); 
1035             }
1037         } 
1038         return retVal; 
1039     }
1040     ///
1041     unittest
1042     {
1043         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1044         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, insert.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1045         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1047         auto uS = uniform(allowedArraySize,testedSize, rndGenInUse);
1048         VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
1050         size_t n; 
1051         uint[allowedArraySize] insertedVals;  
1052         while(n < allowedArraySize)
1053         {
1054             auto valToInsert = uniform(0U, uS, rndGenInUse); 
1055             const bool inserted = vT.insert(valToInsert); 
1056             if(inserted)
1057             {
1058                 insertedVals[n] = valToInsert; 
1059                 n++;
1060             }
1061         }
1062         assert(vT._elementCount == insertedVals.length); 
1064         sort(insertedVals[]); 
1065         assert(uniq(insertedVals[]).array.length == insertedVals.length); 
1066     }
1068     /// this method overrides the insert method to directly use arrays
1069     @nogc nothrow void insert(R)(R arr) if(isIterable!R){ foreach(size_t i; arr) insert(i); }
1071     /// this method is used to remove elements from the tree. not existing values will be ignored. 
1072     bool remove(size_t value) @nogc nothrow 
1073     {
1074         const bool retVal = root.remove(value, capacity); 
1075         if(retVal)
1076         {
1077             --_elementCount;
1078             if(length == 0) _range = iota(0UL);
1079             else
1080             {
1081                 assert(!_range.empty); 
1082                 if(value == _range.front) popFront(); 
1083                 if(value == _range.back) popBack(); 
1084             }
1085         } 
1086         return retVal; 
1087     }
1088     ///
1089     unittest
1090     {
1091         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1092         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, remove.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1093         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1095         auto uS = uniform(allowedArraySize,testedSize, rndGenInUse);
1096         VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
1098         size_t n; 
1099         uint[allowedArraySize] insertedVals;  
1101         while(n < allowedArraySize)
1102         {
1103             auto valToInsert = uniform(0U, uS, rndGenInUse); 
1104             if(vT.insert(valToInsert))
1105             {
1106                 insertedVals[n] = valToInsert; 
1107                 n++; 
1108             }
1109         }
1111         assert(vT._elementCount == insertedVals.length); 
1113         foreach(size_t i; insertedVals) assert(vT.remove(i)); 
1114         assert(vT.length == 0); 
1115     }
1117     /// this method is used to determine, whether an element is currently present in the tree
1118     @nogc nothrow bool opIn_r(size_t value) const 
1119     {
1120         if(value >= capacity) return false;
1121         return root.member(value, capacity); 
1122     }
1123     ///
1124     unittest
1125     {
1126         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1127         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, member.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1128         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1130         auto uS = uniform(allowedArraySize,testedSize, rndGenInUse);
1131         VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
1133         size_t n; 
1134         uint[allowedArraySize] insertedVals;  
1135         while(n < allowedArraySize)
1136         {
1137             auto valToInsert = uniform(0U, uS, rndGenInUse); 
1138             if(vT.insert(valToInsert))
1139             {
1140                 insertedVals[n] = valToInsert; 
1141                 n++;
1142             }
1143         }
1145         sort(insertedVals[]); 
1146         auto sortedInserted = assumeSorted(insertedVals[]); 
1147         for(size_t i; i < testedSize; ++i)
1148         {
1149             if(sortedInserted.contains(i))
1150             {
1151                 assert(i in vT);
1152             }
1153             else 
1154             {
1155                 assert(!(i in vT), "i: " ~ to!string(i)); 
1156             }
1157         }
1158     }
1160     /// this method is used to determine the minimum of the tree
1161     @nogc nothrow @property Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) min() const { return root.min; }
1163     /// this method is used to determine the maximum of the tree    
1164     @nogc nothrow @property Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) max() const { return root.max; }
1166     /// this method retrieves the successor of the given input.
1167     Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) successor(alias boundaries = "()")(size_t value) const
1168     {
1169         if(value >= capacity) return Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound)(); 
1171         // otherwise get the successor
1172         auto currentSuccessor = root.successor(value, capacity); 
1174         // in case of closed boundaries
1175         static if(boundaries[1] == ']') // if there is a successor (between the value and the upper bound)
1176         {
1177             if(!currentSuccessor.isNull) return currentSuccessor; // return the successor
1178             else return Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound)(capacity); // otherwise return the bound (capacity)
1179         }
1180         else return currentSuccessor; // in case of open boundaries return the successor (null or a value)
1181     }
1182     unittest
1183     {
1184         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1185         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, successor.    "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1186         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1188         auto uS = uniform(allowedArraySize, testedSize, rndGenInUse);
1189         VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
1191         // testing the boundaries now: 
1192         auto randomElement = uniform(allowedArraySize, uS); 
1193         assert(vT.successor(randomElement).isNull);
1194         assert(vT.successor!"[]"(randomElement) == vT.capacity);
1196         size_t n; 
1197         uint[allowedArraySize] insertedVals;  
1198         while(n < allowedArraySize)
1199         {
1200             auto valToInsert = uniform(0U, uS, rndGenInUse); 
1201             if(vT.insert(valToInsert))
1202             {
1203                 insertedVals[n] = valToInsert; 
1204                 n++;
1205             }
1206         }
1208         auto sortedInserted = assumeSorted(sort(insertedVals[])); 
1210         assert(vT.max == sortedInserted.back); 
1211         assert(vT.min == sortedInserted.front); 
1212         size_t j; 
1214         for(size_t i = 0; i <= testedSize; ++i)
1215         {
1216             const auto el = vT.successor(i); 
1218             if(el.isNull)
1219             {
1220                 assert(i == vT.max); 
1221                 assert(sortedInserted.contains(i));
1222                 break; // quit the loop;
1223             }
1224             else
1225             {
1226                 if(sortedInserted.contains(i)) ++j; 
1227                 assert(el == sortedInserted[j]); 
1228             }
1229         }   
1230     }
1232     /// this method retrieves the predecessor of the given input. 
1233     @nogc nothrow Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) predecessor(alias boundaries = "()")(size_t value) const
1234     {
1235         auto currentPredecessor = root.predecessor(value, capacity); 
1236         static if(boundaries[0] == '[')
1237         {
1238             if(!currentPredecessor.isNull)
1239                 return currentPredecessor; 
1240             else 
1241                 return Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound)(0); 
1242         }
1243         else return currentPredecessor; 
1244     }
1245     ///
1246     unittest
1247     {
1248         auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1249         static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, predecessor.  "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1250         rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1252         auto uS = uniform(allowedArraySize,testedSize, rndGenInUse);
1253         VEBtree vT = VEBtree(uS); 
1255         // testing the boundaries now: 
1256         auto randomElement = uniform(allowedArraySize, uS); 
1257         assert(vT.predecessor(randomElement).isNull);
1258         assert(vT.predecessor!"[]"(randomElement) == 0);
1260         size_t n; 
1261         uint[allowedArraySize] insertedVals;  
1262         while(n < allowedArraySize)
1263         {
1264             auto valToInsert = uniform(0U, uS, rndGenInUse); 
1265             if(vT.insert(valToInsert))
1266             {
1267                 insertedVals[n] = valToInsert; 
1268                 n++;
1269             }
1270         }
1272         auto sortedInserted = assumeSorted(sort(insertedVals[])); 
1274         assert(vT.max == sortedInserted.back); 
1275         assert(vT.min == sortedInserted.front); 
1276         size_t j = allowedArraySize - 1; 
1278         size_t i = testedSize + 1; 
1279         do
1280         {
1281               --i;
1282             const auto el = vT.predecessor(i); 
1283             if(el.isNull)
1284             {
1285                 assert(i == vT.min); 
1286                 assert(sortedInserted.contains(i));
1287                 break; // quit the loop;
1289             }
1290             else
1291             {
1292                 if(sortedInserted.contains(i)) --j; 
1293                 assert(el == sortedInserted[j]); 
1294             }
1296         }while(i > 0);
1297     }
1299     /// this method is used to determine, whether the tree is currently containing an element. 
1300     @nogc nothrow @property bool empty() const { return _range.empty; }
1302     /// this method returns the minimium. 
1303     @nogc nothrow @property size_t front() { return _range.front; }
1305     /// this method removes the minimum element
1306     void popFront() @nogc nothrow
1307     {
1308         auto s = successor(_range.front); 
1309         if(s.isNull) _range = iota(maxSizeBound, 0UL); 
1310         else _range = iota(s.get, _range.back + 1UL); 
1311     }
1313     /// bidirectional range also needs
1314     @nogc nothrow @property size_t back() { return _range.back; }
1316     /// this method removes the maximum element 
1317     @nogc nothrow void popBack()
1318     {
1319         if(!empty)
1320         {
1321             assert(!_range.empty); 
1322             auto p = predecessor(_range.back);
1323             if(p.isNull) _range = iota(maxSizeBound, 0UL); 
1324             else _range = iota(_range.front, p.get + 1UL); 
1325         }
1326     }
1328     /// Returns whether the element is in the tree 
1329     auto opIndex(size_t index) const @nogc nothrow
1330     {
1331         if(index in this) return index; 
1332         else return maxSizeBound; 
1333     }
1335     /// This method returns the amount of elements currently present in the tree.
1336     @nogc nothrow @property size_t length() const { return _elementCount; }
1338     /**
1339         forward range also needs save. This is a draft version of the save function, it uses the opslice of the struct
1340         to construct a new one via an array
1341     */
1342     @property VEBtree save() { return  VEBtree(root, expectedSize, _elementCount, _range.save); }
1344     /// dollar operator overload. 
1345     @nogc nothrow @property size_t opDollar() 
1346     {
1347         auto cMax = this.max; 
1348         if(cMax.isNull) return capacity; 
1349         else return cMax + 1; 
1350     }
1352     /**
1353         The single slice operation (slice-all) which is supported by the tree. Returns all elements in a new array.
1354         A convinience method. Uses exportTree with the boundaries set to the default ("()")
1355     */ 
1356     size_t[] opSlice() const { return exportTree(); }
1358     /// Makes a deep copy of the current object. 
1359     VEBtree dup() const
1360     {
1361         auto retVal = VEBtree(expectedSize); 
1363         if(this.length == 0) return retVal; 
1365         auto curr = this.min; 
1366         do
1367         {
1368             retVal.insert(curr.get);
1369             curr = successor(curr.get); 
1370         }while(!curr.isNull);
1372         return retVal;
1373     }
1375     /**
1376         this method serves as export of the tree to an array. () and [] is possible as template parameter to export the
1377         boundaries, even if they are not present.
1378     */
1379     auto exportTree(alias boundaries = "()")() const
1380     {
1381         size_t[] retArray;
1382         auto exportLength = this.length; 
1384         static if(boundaries[0] == '[') 
1385             if(!(0 in this)) // if zero is not in the tree and we want to include the left boundary, the export grows
1386                 ++exportLength; 
1387         static if(boundaries[1] == ']')
1388             ++exportLength; // we want to include the capacity as value, so the export grows 
1390         if(exportLength == 0) return retArray; 
1391         else retArray.length = exportLength;
1393         static if(boundaries[0] == '[') retArray[0] = 0; 
1394         else if(!this.empty) retArray[0] = this.min;
1396         static if(boundaries[1] == ']') retArray[$-1] = capacity; 
1397         else if(!this.empty) retArray[$-1] = this.max;
1399         for(size_t i = 1; i < retArray.length; ++i)
1400         {
1401             const auto succ = successor!boundaries(retArray[i-1]); 
1402             if(succ.isNull || succ == capacity) break; 
1403             retArray[i] = succ; 
1404         }
1406         return retArray; 
1407     }
1408     // (optional) todo: implement some kind of cool output as a graphViz pic, similiar to the graphs in Cormen. 
1409 }
1411 ///
1412 unittest
1413 {
1414     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(100); 
1415     assert(vT.empty);
1416     const auto result = vT.insert(2); 
1417     assert(result); 
1418     assert(!vT.empty); 
1419     assert(2 in vT);     
1421     VEBtree vT2 = vT.save(); 
1422     auto const vT3 = vT.dup(); 
1423     assert(2 in vT2); 
1424     const result2 = vT2.insert(3); 
1425     assert(result2); 
1426     assert(3 in vT2); 
1427     assert(3 in vT);
1428     assert(!(3 in vT3));
1429     assert(vT2.length == 2);
1431 }
1433 ///
1434 unittest
1435 {
1436     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1437     static if(vdebug){write("UT: vT, exportTree.   "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1438     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1440     const auto M = uniform(2U,testedSize, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
1441     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); //create the tree
1442     vT.fill(1000, rndGenInUse); 
1444     //assert(vT.exportTree == vT[]);
1445     assert(vT.exportTree!"[)".front == 0); 
1446     assert(vT.exportTree!"(]".back == vT.capacity); 
1447 }
1448 ///
1449 unittest
1450 {
1451     assert(!__traits(compiles,  VEBtree())); 
1452     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1000); 
1453     assert(vT.capacity == 1024); 
1454     assert(vT.min.isNull); 
1455     assert(vT.insert(2)); 
1456     vT.insert(5);
1457     assert(!(8 in vT)); 
1458     assert(vT.insert(88));
1459     assert(88 in vT); 
1460     assert(vT.predecessor(4) == 2);
1461     assert(!(8 in vT)); 
1462     assert(vT.insert(8)); 
1463     assert(8 in vT); 
1464     assert(vT.predecessor(75) == 8); 
1465     assert(vT.predecessor(90) == 88); 
1466     assert(vT.predecessor(7) == 5); 
1467     assert(vT.predecessor(4) == 2); 
1468     assert(vT.predecessor(2).isNull); 
1469     assert(vT.predecessor!"[]"(2) == 0); 
1470     assert(vT.successor(6) == 8); 
1471     assert(vT.successor(5) == 8); 
1472     assert(vT.successor(4) == 5); 
1473     assert(vT.successor(1) == 2); 
1474     assert(vT.successor(75) == 88); 
1475     assert(vT.successor(90).isNull); 
1476     assert(vT.successor!"[]"(90) == vT.capacity);
1477     assert(!(1029 in vT)); 
1478     assert(vT.successor(1025).isNull);
1479     assert(vT.successor!"[]"(1025).isNull);
1481     auto vT2 = new VEBtree(500); 
1482     assert(vT2.empty); 
1483     vT2.insert(50); 
1484     vT2.insert(500); 
1485     assert(vT2.max == 500); 
1486     assert(vT2.min == 50); 
1487     assert(vT2.successor(40) == 50);
1488     assert(vT2.successor(50) == 500); 
1490     vT2 = new VEBtree(500); 
1491     assert(vT2.empty); 
1492     vT2.insert(50); 
1493     vT2.insert(500); 
1494     assert(vT2.max == 500); 
1495     assert(vT2.min == 50); 
1496     assert(vT2.successor(40) == 50);
1497     assert(vT2.successor(50) == 500); 
1499     /* about 20 seconds in debug mode. 
1500     auto vT3 = new VEBtree(uint.max);
1501     assert(vT3.insert(5)); 
1502     assert(vT3.member(5));
1503     assert(vT3.capacity == cast(ulong)uint.max + 1);
1504     //*/
1506     assert(!(1029 in vT)); 
1507     assert(!(865 in vT)); 
1508     assert(vT.insert(865)); 
1509     assert(865 in vT); 
1510     assert(!vT.insert(865)); 
1511     assert(865 in vT); 
1512     assert(!(866 in vT)); 
1513     assert(!vT.remove(866)); 
1514     assert(865 in vT); 
1515     assert(vT.remove(865)); 
1516     assert(!(865 in vT)); 
1517 }
1519 ///
1520 unittest
1521 {
1522     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1523     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, succ.       "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1524     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1526     const auto M = uniform(2U,testedSize, rndGenInUse); //set universe size to some integer. 
1527     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); //create the tree
1528     assert(vT.capacity == nPof2(M-1)); 
1529     const auto m = vT.fill(40, rndGenInUse); //(try to) fill the tree with thousend values 
1530     size_t n; 
1531     Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) i = vT.max; 
1533     // discover the thousend (or little less) values with the predecessor method
1534     while(!i.isNull)
1535     {
1536         ++n;
1537         i = vT.predecessor(i); 
1538         if(n > m) break; 
1539     }
1541     size_t o;
1542     i = vT.min; 
1543     while(!i.isNull)
1544     {
1545         ++o; 
1546         i = vT.successor(i.get);
1547         if(o - 1 > m) break; 
1548     }
1550     // assert, that all members are discovered, iff when no predecessors are left
1551     assert(n == m); 
1552     assert(o == m); 
1553 }
1555 ///
1556 unittest
1557 {
1558     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1559     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, pred        "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1560     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1561     const auto M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer. 
1562     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1563     vT.fill(1000, rndGenInUse); //fill the tree with some values 
1564     Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) i = vT.max; 
1566     // remove all members beginning from the maximum
1567     bool result; 
1568     while(!i.isNull)
1569     {
1570         result = vT.remove(i); 
1571         assert(result); 
1572         const auto j = vT.predecessor(i); 
1573         if(!j.isNull)
1574             assert(j != i); 
1575         i = j; 
1576     }
1578     // assert, that all members are removed, iff when no predecessors are left. 
1579     assert(vT.empty); 
1580 }
1582 ///
1583 unittest
1584 {
1585     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1586     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, remove      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1587     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1588     const auto M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer. 
1589     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1590     vT.fill(1000, rndGenInUse); //fill the tree with some values 
1591     Nullable!(size_t, maxSizeBound) i = vT.min;
1593     // remove all members beginning from the minimum
1594     bool result; 
1595     while(!i.isNull)
1596     {        
1597         result = vT.remove(i); 
1598         assert(result); 
1599         const auto j = vT.successor(i); 
1600         if(!j.isNull)
1601             assert(j != i); 
1602         i = j; 
1603     } 
1605     // assert, that all members are removed, iff when no successors are left.
1606     assert(vT.empty); 
1607 }
1609 ///
1610 unittest
1611 {
1612     const uint M = testedSize; 
1613     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1614     vT.insert(0x000f); 
1615     assert(vT.predecessor(0x000f).isNull);
1616     vT.insert(0x00f0);
1617     assert(vT.predecessor(0x00f0) == 0x000f); 
1618     vT.insert(0x0f00); 
1619     assert(vT.predecessor(0x0f00) == 0x00f0); 
1620     vT.insert(0xf000); 
1621     assert(vT.predecessor(0xf000) == 0x0f00);
1623     auto result = vT.remove(0xf000); 
1624     assert(result); 
1625     assert(vT.predecessor(0xf000) == 0x0f00);
1626     result = vT.remove(0x0f00); 
1627     assert(result); 
1628     assert(vT.predecessor(0x0f00) == 0x00f0); 
1629     result = vT.remove(0x00f0); 
1630     assert(result); 
1631     assert(vT.predecessor(0x00f0) == 0x000f); 
1632     result = vT.remove(0x000f); 
1633     assert(result); 
1634     assert(vT.predecessor(0x000f).isNull);
1635 }
1637 ///
1638 unittest
1639 {
1640     const uint M = testedSize; 
1641     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1642     vT.insert(0xf000); 
1643     assert(0xf000 in vT); 
1644     vT.insert(0x0f00); 
1645     assert(0x0f00 in vT); 
1646     vT.insert(0x00f0);
1647     assert(0x00f0 in vT);
1648     vT.insert(0x000f); 
1649     assert(0x000f in vT); 
1651     auto result = vT.remove(0xf000); 
1652     assert(result); 
1653     assert(!(0xf000 in vT)); 
1654     result = vT.remove(0x0f00); 
1655     assert(result); 
1656     assert(!(0x0f00 in vT)); 
1657     result = vT.remove(0x00f0); 
1658     assert(result); 
1659     assert(!(0x00f0 in vT)); 
1660     result = vT.remove(0x000f); 
1661     assert(result); 
1662     assert(!(0x000f in vT)); 
1663 }
1665 /// 
1666 unittest
1667 {
1668     //stress test
1669     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1670     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, stress      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1671     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1672     // do not use more then "1 << 15", as for the red-black tree the insertion duration is almost 4 (!) minutes. 
1673     // last test says: see below. 
1674     const auto M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer. 
1675     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1676     size_t[] arr; 
1677     const auto howMuchFilled = vT.fill(arr, rndGenInUse); 
1679     assert(arr.length == howMuchFilled); 
1681     VEBtree vT2 = VEBtree(M); 
1683     assert(vT2.capacity == vT.capacity); 
1685     auto rbt = redBlackTree!size_t(0); 
1686     rbt.clear; 
1688     void fill1()
1689     {
1690         foreach(size_t i; arr)
1691         {
1692             vT2.insert(i); 
1693         }
1695         foreach(size_t i; arr)
1696         {
1697             vT2.remove(i); 
1698         }
1699         assert(vT2.empty);
1701     }
1703     void fill2()
1704     {
1705         foreach(size_t i; arr)
1706         {
1707             rbt.insert(i); 
1708         }
1709     }
1711     /*
1712         this part is for speed test
1713     */
1714     /*
1715         compiled with ldc2 vebtree.d -O -main -unittest
1716         results of stress tests: 
1717             size of tree: 16777216
1718             howMuchFilled: 16252928
1719             VEB: 2 secs, 382 ms, 588 μs, and 8 hnsecs
1720     */
1721     /*
1722     import std.stdio; 
1724     writeln("size of tree: ", vT2.capacity); 
1725     writeln("howMuchFilled: ", howMuchFilled);
1726     //auto r = benchmark!(fill1, fill2)(1); 
1727     auto r = benchmark!(fill1)(1); 
1729     auto f0Result = to!Duration(r[0]); 
1730     //auto f1Result = to!Duration(r[1]); 
1731     writeln("VEB: ", f0Result); //10ms
1732     //writeln("rbt: ", f1Result); //40sec
1733     //assert(f0Result < f1Result); 
1734     //*/
1735 }
1737 ///
1738 unittest
1739 {
1740     const uint currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1741     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, member      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1742     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1743     const uint M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer.
1744     uint[] sourceArr; 
1745     sourceArr.length = M; 
1746     // generate a random array as the source for the tree
1747     for(uint i = 0; i < M; i++) sourceArr[i] = uniform(0U, M, rndGenInUse); 
1748     // constructor to test
1749     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(sourceArr); 
1750     // make the array values unique. 
1751     auto uniqueArr = sort(sourceArr).uniq;
1752     // check, that all values are filled 
1753     bool result; 
1754     foreach(uint i; uniqueArr)
1755     {
1756         assert(i in vT); 
1757         result = vT.remove(i); 
1758         assert(result); 
1759     }
1760     // check, that no other elements are present. 
1761     assert(vT.empty); 
1762 }
1764 ///
1765 unittest
1766 {
1767     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed();
1768     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, opSlice     "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);}  
1769     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1770     // do not use more then "1 << 15", as for the red-black tree the insertion duration is almost 4 (!) minutes. 
1771     const auto M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer. 
1772     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(M); 
1774     size_t[] arr; 
1775     vT.fill(arr, rndGenInUse, 16); 
1776     //assert(setSymmetricDifference(vT[], sort(arr)).empty); 
1777 }
1779 ///
1780 unittest
1781 {
1782     assert(isBidirectionalRange!VEBtree); 
1783     assert(isRandomAccessRange!VEBtree); 
1784 }
1786 ///
1787 unittest
1788 {
1789     VEBtree vT = VEBtree(14);
1790     auto result = vT.insert(2); 
1791     assert(result); 
1792     result = vT.insert(5); 
1793     assert(result);
1794     result = vT.insert(10); 
1795     assert(result);
1796     //assert(vT[] == [2, 5, 10]); 
1797 }
1799 ///
1800 unittest
1801 {
1802     /*
1803     //another stress test
1804     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1805     static if(vdebug){write("UT: stress test 2  "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1806     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1808     void fill16(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 16); }
1809     void fill17(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 17); }
1810     void fill18(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 18); }
1811     void fill19(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 19); }    
1812     void fill20(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 20); }
1813     void fill21(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 21); }
1814     void fill22(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 22); }
1815     void fill23(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 23); }
1816     void fill24(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 24); }
1817     void fill25(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 25); }
1818     void fill26(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 26); }
1819     void fill27(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 27); }
1820     void fill28(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 28); }
1821     void fill29(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 29); }
1822     void fill30(){ VEBtree vT = VEBtree(1 << 30); }
1824     import std.stdio; 
1825     auto r = benchmark!(fill16, fill17, fill18, fill19, fill20, fill21, fill22, fill23, fill24, fill25, fill26, fill27,
1826         fill28, fill29, fill30)(1);
1827     //auto r = benchmark!(fill1)(1); 
1828     auto f16Result = to!Duration(r[0]); 
1829     auto f17Result = to!Duration(r[1]); 
1830     auto f18Result = to!Duration(r[2]); 
1831     auto f19Result = to!Duration(r[3]); 
1832     auto f20Result = to!Duration(r[4]);
1833     auto f21Result = to!Duration(r[5]);
1834     auto f22Result = to!Duration(r[6]);
1835     auto f23Result = to!Duration(r[7]);
1836     auto f24Result = to!Duration(r[8]);
1837     auto f25Result = to!Duration(r[9]);
1838     auto f26Result = to!Duration(r[10]);
1839     auto f27Result = to!Duration(r[11]);
1840     auto f28Result = to!Duration(r[12]);
1841     auto f29Result = to!Duration(r[13]);
1842     auto f30Result = to!Duration(r[14]);
1844     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 16, ": ", f16Result); 
1845     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 17, ": ", f17Result);
1846     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 18, ": ", f18Result);
1847     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 19, ": ", f19Result);
1848     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 20, ": ", f20Result);
1849     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 21, ": ", f21Result);
1850     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 22, ": ", f22Result);
1851     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 23, ": ", f23Result);
1852     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 24, ": ", f24Result);
1853     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 25, ": ", f25Result); 
1854     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 26, ": ", f26Result); 
1855     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 27, ": ", f27Result); 
1856     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 28, ": ", f28Result); 
1857     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 29, ": ", f29Result); 
1858     writeln("VEB with M of ", 1 << 30, ": ", f30Result); 
1859     //*/
1861 }
1863 /// 
1864 unittest
1865 {
1866     // This unittest is for check of adding of big numbers
1867     /* in debug mode about 1 min. 
1868     const uint[] arr = [1, 2, 8, 2_147_483_647]; 
1869     new VEBtree(arr); 
1870     //*/
1871 }
1873 ///
1874 unittest
1875 {
1876     import std.algorithm : sort, uniq; 
1877     //stress test
1878     auto currentSeed = unpredictableSeed(); 
1879     static if(vdebug){write("UT: rand, ranges      "); writeln("seed: ", currentSeed);} 
1880     rndGenInUse.seed(currentSeed); //initialize the random generator
1881     // do not use more then "1 << 15", as for the red-black tree the insertion duration is almost 4 (!) minutes. 
1882     // last test says: see below. 
1883     const auto M = uniform(2U, testedSize, rndGenInUse); // set universe size to some integer. 
1884     auto const vT = VEBtree(M); 
1885     /*testing the range methods*/
1886     assert(vT.empty); 
1888     uint[] sourceArr; 
1889     sourceArr.length = uniform(2U, M, rndGenInUse); 
1890     for(uint i = 0; i < sourceArr.length; i++)
1891         sourceArr[i] = uniform(0U, M, rndGenInUse); 
1893     sort(sourceArr); 
1894     const auto uniqueArr = sourceArr.uniq.array; 
1896     // constructor to test
1898     auto vTnew = VEBtree(sourceArr); 
1899     assert(!vTnew.empty); 
1900     assert(vTnew.length == uniqueArr.length); 
1901     const auto vT2 = vTnew.save; 
1902     assert(vTnew.array == uniqueArr); 
1903     assert(!vTnew.empty);
1904     assert(!vT2.empty);
1905     assert(vT2[] == uniqueArr); 
1907     /* Works. Duration in debug mode: about 35 seconds. 
1908     auto vTT = new VEBtree(maxSizeBound - 1); 
1909     assert(vTT.insert(42)); 
1910     */
1911 }